Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 1, 2011
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WI - USDA Zone 4
Wannabefree said:
I got nothin done today. Except I did get homeowners insurance situated and DH taken to the doctor(FINALLY!) and I made some flock treats using beef fat and seeds and grains. They loved it :) and I have more in the freezer. I also didn't forget to feed the rabbit this morning. Yeah...I got another bunny. I missed bunnies. So I got one Saturday from DD20. Forgot she was there Sunday :rolleyes: Wait...what is today? No, I fed her yesterday too :lol: Oh well, not very productive.
Your "flock treats" are for chickens I'm assuming? I make a lot of suet treats for wild birds, but never thought of feeding them to the chickens.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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calendula said:
Wannabefree said:
I got nothin done today. Except I did get homeowners insurance situated and DH taken to the doctor(FINALLY!) and I made some flock treats using beef fat and seeds and grains. They loved it :) and I have more in the freezer. I also didn't forget to feed the rabbit this morning. Yeah...I got another bunny. I missed bunnies. So I got one Saturday from DD20. Forgot she was there Sunday :rolleyes: Wait...what is today? No, I fed her yesterday too :lol: Oh well, not very productive.
Your "flock treats" are for chickens I'm assuming? I make a lot of suet treats for wild birds, but never thought of feeding them to the chickens.
Yes, for the chickens. I put in BOSS, wheat, millet, a little corn, and some crushed red pepper. They went nuts over it! :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
calendula said:
Wannabefree said:
I got nothin done today. Except I did get homeowners insurance situated and DH taken to the doctor(FINALLY!) and I made some flock treats using beef fat and seeds and grains. They loved it :) and I have more in the freezer. I also didn't forget to feed the rabbit this morning. Yeah...I got another bunny. I missed bunnies. So I got one Saturday from DD20. Forgot she was there Sunday :rolleyes: Wait...what is today? No, I fed her yesterday too :lol: Oh well, not very productive.
Your "flock treats" are for chickens I'm assuming? I make a lot of suet treats for wild birds, but never thought of feeding them to the chickens.
Yes, for the chickens. I put in BOSS, wheat, millet, a little corn, and some crushed red pepper. They went nuts over it! :D
It's been a long week already, when I read this the first time, I thought it said

I put in the BOSS, wheat, ..... I'm sure the chickens would enjoy some coporate monkey.... :th


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'm taking the day off today. I was supposed to go help my grandma again today, but I figure I probably shouldn't over do it this morning and have to go to work work this afternoon...I don't know how long I have to work today at the cafe, so...skippin out on grandma. She said she thought I was crazy for coming anyway :lol: Grandma is so funny, and so right on the mark. I was willing to try, but then I thought about all the laundry/chores I have to catch up around here.......OI! I'm staying home doing laundry and going to try to fix the small coop. I have chickies about to come out of the brooder and need to get the place for them fixed up. Then I have several more to go into the brooder right behind them. I MUST get this done!

My house is a wreck, and hubs is still sickly so he can't really help with much at the moment. He is getting better though!!!! :woot Maybe by next week things will calm down a bit and I can slow the pace and take a breath! Today though, I have a load of loose ends to tie up before work.

Oh! Gotta share a funny! The ducks are laying on the back deck now :lol: We go out to feed first thing in the morning, no eggs yet. Then we can go right back out 30 minutes later, and there are eggs all in the doorway :gig It's like their little Thank You card for the feed. Hillarious! I love my ducks! Four eggs today too :D Not bad for just starting laying out of 6 ducks!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just think of the work they're saving you! You don't have to go anyplace to collect the eggs.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The new job is going well if I can just remember everything. My feet hurt like crazy, but I'll get used to that eventually. I'm going to get me some better shoes!! My fryer went off tonight in the middle of a HUGE rush time :th That was fun. My boss told me to hurry up about 20 times....so I handed him a bottle of Pamprin and told him take one and it'll ALLLLLLLLLLLLL be okay! :lol: I guess it's a good thing he thought it was funny. His wife made fun of him the rest of the night :D I am supposed to go in earlier tomorrow :( I always very much dislike first day/first week at any job, but this one is murder. This little place stays busy busy busy all weekend long. Being a holiday has not made it any better! EVERYBODY in the entire county must have came in and ordered huge meals tonight! I'm beat!

DH and DD planted my pumpkins this afternoon :love We rented a couple movies this afternoon for them to enjoy too while I was at work. I think they had a good time. :)

I was able to bring home a BUNCH of leftover food tonight. Hushpuppies and rolls and fries. DH DD and the dog pigged out when I got home. :lol: The rest will go into the freezer as doggy treats, so I am saving a good bit of money doing that :) I also can get gallon plastic jugs with screw on lids for my food pantry :D :D :D I'll have to get a few of those soon!! I saw them tossing them out tonight :ep Don't folks know how useful those are?!?!?!?! I can have all of them I could possibly ever want/need! I can think of a million uses for them!

Hope everyone else's Good Friday was GOOD! :)

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hey Wannabe! Hope things get easier once you get that first week under your belt. Sounds like great benefits too! Free lids & dog treats!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
framing fowl said:
Hey Wannabe! Hope things get easier once you get that first week under your belt. Sounds like great benefits too! Free lids & dog treats!
Free JUGS with lids ;) I already have a fat dog, guess she'll be even fatter now :lol: The birds get some treats too though. I wonder if the goats would like hushpuppies.....or maybe I need a pig. Hmmm.....I HAVE been wanting a pig.

It'll get easier. It's just SO much to learn on the really REALLY busy nights!!! I'll love the job once i get used to it and know my way around everything. The menu is very versatile and a LOT to learn while running your tail off! :lol:

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