Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

One ... but the light bulb has to really truly WANT to change! :lol:

It may be a joke, but you are halfway there. I will be praying for you in this challenge.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
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35 NW of Green Bay, WI
I've never smoked (except for those I snuck while I was babysitting at 15, but the house smelled like smoke, so no one was the wiser :p) But I am going to make some observations after reading about you these last few months:

1. You have a great relationship with God
2. You have a very strong will
3. You care deeply about yourself and those around you
4. Your willingness to help others goes above and beyond - you ARE COMMITTED (even if some days you feel like you should be! :D )

So, if this is truly what you want to do, work on it with God. It sounds like you are at a time and place in your life, where you are really connected. Take advantage of that connection and ask Him for help. Isn't that we look to Him for?

Good Luck!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 3, 2010
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Zebulon, NC
Luckily I quit smoking as a kid (literally) & DH quit after he had a stroke. However, I understand what you are going thru, as an outside observer. BIL, SIL, & their daughter all smoke (daughter lives with them). Whenever one of them wants to quit (usually my SIL), the others don't & the quitter lasts a couple days & then ends up lighting up again. It almost seems like it requires a group effort, IMHO; the household has to quit together or at least the smoker has to go outside to smoke. :/

Good luck, girl!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Our case worker(who is also a smoker) has told us we wold have to start smoking outside when we get the kids anyway.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Bimpnottin said:
I've never smoked (except for those I snuck while I was babysitting at 15, but the house smelled like smoke, so no one was the wiser :p) But I am going to make some observations after reading about you these last few months:

1. You have a great relationship with God
2. You have a very strong will
3. You care deeply about yourself and those around you
4. Your willingness to help others goes above and beyond - you ARE COMMITTED (even if some days you feel like you should be! :D )
Yep to these, and SOMEONE ELSE said it, not me! :p

Question - is #2 a polite Southern way of saying someone is bull-headed? ;)

Ya know I kiddin'. If anyone can do this, you can.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI
FarmerJamie said:
Bimpnottin said:
I've never smoked (except for those I snuck while I was babysitting at 15, but the house smelled like smoke, so no one was the wiser :p) But I am going to make some observations after reading about you these last few months:

1. You have a great relationship with God
2. You have a very strong will
3. You care deeply about yourself and those around you
4. Your willingness to help others goes above and beyond - you ARE COMMITTED (even if some days you feel like you should be! :D )
Yep to these, and SOMEONE ELSE said it, not me! :p

Question - is #2 a polite Southern way of saying someone is bull-headed? ;) Nope, I'm as Midwestern as it gets, so it's a polite way of saying force to be reckoned with! ;)

Ya know I kiddin'. If anyone can do this, you can.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I love smoking literally. I enjoy it, like the smoke, don't care who is around me etc. If ya don't like my smoke then leave LOL

But I did quit for 4 years. Easiest thing for me to do...but then I went skiing in Canada and on a drunk night bought a pack and started smoking again....it make me sick, I got woozey, but my gosh I took back to it like duck to water. lol

BUT when I quit....it was work and they offered a class. What she had us do was put a giant rubber band on our wrists and snap it if we thought of a smoke. Heck of alot of snapping happening the first few days lol

Then she had us take our cigs and smoke like the whole darn pack in one sitting. That was rough actually.

Then she had us fill up a small jar with cigs and water. ICKY and sniff it alot. ugh that worked fast.

Then she said find something very low cal to munch on and I picked pretzel rods. I bought a few bags and literally held them like cigs LOL

Within 1 week I was cig free and it did not bother me one bit cause I did not look back. BUT now that I started again, this time it is harder to quit cause I do not want to quit....but that stupid little voice says, quit you idiot. You did it before, it was easy and you lived. But for some reason I don't want that change, but sadly I know I should quit. Hitting 50 and I would like to go into my 50s wtihout having to tote around cigs and always looking for the darn lighter!

So I am on the fence about quitting right now. Tony bought me 2 boxes of Nicorrette gum....and 2 boxes of Nicorette lozenge sucker things. I have yet to use one. But soon....the key to quitting is wanting it. First time I walked staright into quitting cause I wanted it. Now I don't to quit and that is what is blocking me. So I just gotta change that thinking, eh bleh

So maybe some of those techniques above might help ya. At least when I do quit this time, I know a drunk party night skiing in Canada sure isn't going to make me start again :lol:


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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I hope they won't ask for a character reference-----"yep, she's a character...." :hide :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well I m NOT admitting defeat yet, but today was NOT the day :/ DD14 had a major meltdown in front her granparents, after the semi major meltdown at home, and the other in WalMart over a pair of jeans :barnie Then, mom had a meltdown of her own, less tears, and much more quiet, but a meltdown no less. Soooo, blew today. I have the two nieces over too. Mom has shingles, DH has a cold, and I have a house full of stress :lol: Oh well, another time. I haven't smoked nearly as much if that counts. I have been purposely not making cigarettes all day so that I can't just binge on them. I had errands to run, and did not take any with me, and I have only smoked half of what I normally do. That says something.

Jamie, you know me too well my dear :lol:

FC, I quit cold turkey the first time. I was sitting on the step outside the back of the church and just said, I'm done, said a little prayer, and didn't have another until DH was home the following weekend. what. was. I. thinking. I knew I shouldn't want one, shouldn't take one, shouldn't.....but I did like a total moron :rolleyes:

The cigs in water is gross, but it didn't work for me. The rubber band I would just play with all day anyway, and the gum...I can't have any kind of gum :hu

It's either cold turkey again, or forget I ever wanted to quit and keep on sucking :p

SOOOOOOOOO, over the next few weeks I am going to think of every possible reason to hate smoking. When I have to go outside in the cold to smoke, I'm going to beat myself up mentally over being so stupid to do something that takes away my comfort for the sake of a dumb habit. Then I am setting a date, sending hubby away for a few days, and quitting. Cold. turkey.

On the bright side, DD may get a lesson in just how annoying she can be when I REALLY throw a tantrum :p No, not really, but it is very tempting to exaggerate an episode in public, when she most definately doesn't want ME to show out, ya know, just for the "I'm with an embarassing idiot" factor, kinda like she did me tonight :D I'm thinking take her to a school football game and fall down on the 50 yard line screaming and crying about how unfair my life is right now :gig


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
DW is spending the whole weekend (Fri-Sat-Sun) scrapbooking with my mom, DS has baseball tourney Sunday, after school/evening activities M-T-W. The rut isn't too deep, but it's there. :th
:/ TOO MANY activities. You guys need to ditch :lol:

I have decided I think. I want to quit smoking by the time I am done with these parenting classes. EVERY time I say that though...I wind up not doing it. ONCE I did it, but then I started back when DH got home and was smoking around me. I lasted a week. If I can quit for a week, why can't I quit forever? Why should it matter what DH does? I want to quit. For the first time in my life I am having to take meds for seasonal allergy crud that makes it difficult for me to breathe. I never had issues relating to weather before this year. For the first time in my life...I am using my inhaler to treat my asthma :hide and still smoking?! Yeah, that makes a crapload of sense :rolleyes: It's SO HARD to quit though :barnie I'm frustrated just thinking about it :lol:

Trying to think of the money I will save, but the truth is, I pay the same for smokes as I did when I first started smoking 18 years ago :hu Not that the money saved wouldn't be significant, but it's not a HUGE motivation, considering. I do get sick of having to make cigarettes because we make our own. I get sick of looking for an ashtray. I get sick of having to remember to go get tobacco and tubes from the store, and sick of losing my lighter. So whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy can I not just give it up?! I hate it. It makes me mad though, the way some people talk about smokers like we have the plague, or we're horrible people just because we light up, and we stink all the time, or we don't care about other people because we smoke and "pollute" the air around us constantly. I really think I have kept on for so long just for spite because those kind of folks really get on my last nerve and I can't STAND someone trying to tell me what to do :rant

I'm not under any illusion that I would be "quitting for the kids" or for any other reason than I just plain old don't want to waste my time and money and effort anymore sucking on a stupid cigarette every hour or so. Soooooooooooo, I think I am tired of smoking and want to quit. I don't want to wait for the classes to be over to begin to quit. I want to do it NOW, today, this week at least, but I am not sure. It is more habit than addiction, and I know it is strange but I like the taste after all these years, and I can't chew gum, which I hate anyway. So I need a substitute habit and dunno what that should be. Anybody have any ideas?

I would prefer that anyone who does not smoke, or has never smoked, not have any comments talking about how horrible smoking is. Because honestly, it's not, and it just infuriates me. I do NOT believe smoking causes cancer anywhere except California :p If smoking causes cancer, it's no more significant a factor than packaged foods and/or pesticides and or standing behind a car that's running while ya suck up the fumes, or sitting in traffic. So if ya go to McDonalds, or get stuck in a traffic jam....you're just as at risk IMO. We villify too many things, and go to extremes over the one we personally see to be the worst and ignore the rest as if they're not just as bad. I don't think smoking is a good thing, but I do not believe for one second it is any worse than some of the other things we sometimes choose to subject ourselves to. Due to my asthma/allergies, and thinking I am likely gonna need more money, time, and focus for other things in the near future....I want to quit.

Sooooooooooo.... :lol: Here goes another probably lame attempt :p
My DH is the smoker in the family. He has found that the electronic cigarettes actually help a lot. He's not at all motivated to quit but if he did, he says that would help him - it's the same kind of oral fix and finger fix, so it helps with the physical habit, and you can get them at various levels of nicotine. AND there's no smoke involved, so it's less likely to kill you with the tar and crap. Worth a try.

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