Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
but then whit do i do with her after we eat the garlic bread ? :p lol!
Feed her to Jack Jack :lol: OH or ya could make her haul shingles first!! :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I had a really weird dream last night :/
I was a teenager riding with some older people in a truck to go see First Blood at the theatre. I made them pull over and let me out to walk back to the house to get something and told them I'd catch up with them later at the movie. As soon as they were out of sight there was another car behind me, and some guy standing in the road that I was afraid of because he was trying to kidnap me and I was a little kid. So I ran, but he got me anyway. The next thing I know I'm in the movie theatre being chased by the people who run the theatre because I didn't have my ticket, so I escaped to the top section and found my cousins and squeezed in between them because I was so small the people couldn't see me and went on. Then we(the kidnapper and me :lol: ) were pulling up to the gas pumps because the fuel was low, and I broke free and ran to my cousins house just down the road. My cousins were black people I had never seen before :hu They let me in to call 911 and the guy was trying to break the door down...then I woke up.

Dreams are tiring..I ran alot and woke up tired.

Now I have these kids that are going to run me all over creation today. I want to take the kids and go somewhere but it's COLD outside. I was thinking of taking them to the flea market for a bit, but I doubt many folks will be there in 20 degree weather. My SIL is supposed to take them to the park today. We'll see if that happens. I have a bit of shopping still to do that I really need to finish up today. Right now though I have to start cooking something because they have informed me that they are "starving." They have been awake for about 30 seconds and starving already...those poor poor children :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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which fleamarket do you go to?
I know rawhide in crump was advertising on facebook that there supposed to have lots of vendors this weekend because there not open christmas weekend ect...

in terms of your dream...if you belive in dream interpritation.
to dream of being kidnapped indicates feeling stifled, trapped or restricted...someone in your life might be trying to stear you away from certain goals, or generally "getting in the way"
to dream of being a tenager indicates feeling selfish, or feeling like you need some independance
to dream of being a child typically indicates a wsih for things to be a little more relaxed, carefree and the desire for "less responsibility" (ever get the feeling your the ony grown up in the house...thats when dreams of being a child generally start popping up lol)
to dream of going home indicates wishing to return to a "safe spot"
to dream of cousins typically indicates something familiar, comfortable, but to not recognize the cousins typically indicates that your not recognizing that comfort zone...
running is obvious, it indicates trying to avoid something...
in this case running from the kidnapper (restrictions/trapped feeling) and the movie guys (an "authority figure")

sounds to me like your a little stressed with all the stuff relating to the kids comming, feeling like your a little trapped and the only one realy taking any real repsonsibility or being the adult about it all...the only one doing the work...
you know its the right thing to do but theres mabe a small part of you going "but this is going to be so much work...wouldnt it be easier if"
deep down you also know that its ok to take a breather and do something for you (return to your comfort zone) but in life your NOT allowing yourself to do just that.

of coruse its all conjecture, but i like dream interpritation, its kinda fun and for myself its been quite helpfull...

i hate those kinds of running dreams because your right...you always wake up more tired than when you whent to sleep LOL


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Rawhide flea market is the one we go to. We aren't going though, because SIL has taken the two youngers to the park for a bit, and I have chilli on the stove for dinner. DH is out cutting steel. We're just too busy today. I don't have any money to blow anyway :hu

Well the kids got up demanding :lol: Niece #1 wanted biscuits and bacon, niece #2 wanted fried bologna and hash browns, DD wanted biscuits, and DH wanted eggs, so I destroyed my kitchen cooking biscuits, eggs, bologna, bacon, and hashbrowns to feed the masses, and that was 5 people...now I'm thinking with 3 more kids in the mix later, and the girls possibly staying while all of them are here...wonder what kind of insanity breakfast will be like then :lol:

Trapped...hmmm...maybe a bit, because I have done most of the house cleaning, but I did do some of it with my mom, which is my comforter alot of times. Eh, your analysis is probably more accurate than I'm gonna admit Pinky...get outta my head :p :lol:

I just want this holiday season to be OVER already, and the home inspection process to be DONE. I am getting a little frustrated with the people. I keep asking questions about WHEN I could get the kids, and their only answer is a very discouraging pointing it out like IF you pass the home study process and IF you get approved :barnie I have nothing to hide, the house is safe, I have done most everything they have asked(still a couple loose ends but I am exhausted!), I have bent over backward to get through this, and they wanna toss out an IF still :rolleyes: Irksome!

I do need a vacation :bun :bun

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Maybe I should post the really weird dream I had! :lol: I used to dream that I could fly and also that I had several tornadoes all heading towards me at once. I figure the tornado ones meant that I had too much ready to overwhelm me. I haven't had one of those in awhile though. I don't know, because of my dreams, if I could EVER live where it was a reaaaaal threat! I think I'd be panicking every time there was a warning.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Post it Deb! It seems Pinky has a knack for interpretations ;)

I just cut DH's hair, and boy was he wooly!! I bet he lost 5 pounds :lol: He's in for the day, he ran out of oxygen. I guess we'll have to go get refilled Monday if he's not working :D And BTW he officially is WORKING now :woot Same guy he was working for before, but it has been a while since they had any work. SOOOOOOOOOO glad he is going back to work! I'll have to get someone else to help me with the steel, but that's okay, DH is one of those men who HATES to not be busy busy all the time and he has been in a funk lately.

Chilli is almost ready and I can't wait! :drool


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Me TOO...gets him ut from under meeeeeeeee :weee :lol:

Well the neighbor kid just left and the youngers are just returning. Gotta feed them again...see ya'll in a bit!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Wannabefree said:
Me TOO...gets him ut from under meeeeeeeee :weee :lol:

Well the neighbor kid just left and the youngers are just returning. Gotta feed them again...see ya'll in a bit!
See ya soon!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wanna trade hubbies? Mine comes home from work, and normally doesn't do anything else. Drives me nuts at times. Then he complains when I don't just drop everything to do dishes, make dinner, etc. I'd rather work outside until around 5:00, then have dinner around 6:00 or even 6:30. But nooo, he wants dinner at 5:00. I've gotten bad, though. If he wants dinner B4 I'm ready to make it, I just let him make his own. :D

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