And that's what they should consider-not the money. I'll be praying.pinkfox said:im glad the visit whent well, and ive got everything i can crossed that they can work the financial side of things out so these kids can be in a loving home!
This is the site you need: www.nacac.orgWannabefree said:Thanks ya'll.I am going to get off here and do a little poking around the internet to see what I can find out about whether they actually CAN do this or not.
Wannabefree said:Thanks Diane!
While poking around last night I did find a site that has the guidelines for the ICPC, and it does state that the "sending state" is responsible for the financial interest of the child(ren) so I am wondering if they're just trying to throw their weight around on the issue. I doubt they'd even have issue with it were it not for the condition of the economy and every state is basically broke these days :/ I have a call in to the case worker there. If he doesn't get back to me by lunchtime, I'll get back to him. I think I can talk them into moving forward on this. There really is no reason they can deny them, the children are eligible, and I don't think they can work around that. Once here they will be on Tennessee's medical and may be eligible for AFDC as well through the state of TN. So, KY needs to work with me on this. It will save that state some money in the long run anyway. I think they're just trying to see what they can get out of paying. The children are on assistance right now in their state, so there is no reason for them to drop it when they come here. Just another bump in the road I suppose.
Hope you can get things sorted out.
In other news....some nut is hunting on the backside of our property, which is DH's uncles land. Nobody has permission to hunt there, and they are CLOSEHis uncle ran someone off who was back there with a gun the other day
why do people just think they can do what they want?! It aggravates me!! If they'd just ASK.....they'd likely get permission so long as they don't get too close to the houses here on the front road. That just really burns me up. Irresponsible hunters SUCK
I hate that too! Seems, these days, people just think they can do whatever they want, doesn't matter to them if they own the property or not! My brother has been having issues with trespass hunting. One guy told him he had the owners permission, so my brother should beat it - Bro said he didn't even bat an eye when he pointed out that he WAS the owner! Geesh!
UGH and we have seen two roaches![]()
I knew bringing those bunk beds in, we might see some, because they came from a place that had them. The folks are working on getting rid of them, but they still have a few. They had sprayed the week before with junk that is supposed to render the bugs sterile, but sterile to me, is dead
So, anyway, I was prepared for the possibility, and have money set aside to get the house sprayed. I don't want those devil bugs getting a hold on this place
I called today and the exterminator is coming out tommorrow. I think I'll go ahead and have them come back next month and the next month too, to make SURE they are GONE!!!!! I hates roaches!! I'd rather have mice, and I don't like them either
Here's hoping the extermination gets them-I can't stand those creepy crawly things