Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
DH's friend called this morning needing a ride to Jackson because his girlfriend was beating the crap out of him with a ballbat. Now he has no job, no car, and no place to live. Went to get him, he was drunk. Fun day. Took him, dropped him off. I guess we were a buzzkill because he was lectured the whole way there. :old Poor guy just can't figure out how to stay out of trouble. How do you truly "help" someone like that?! Love the boy to death, but sheeeeeesh..DRA-MA! Hopefully he'll do better away from it all.

I did get the water bill paid. I got a bit of shopping done. I took off a load of steel after we got back. Now I'm going to church. I'm tired. *yawn*

Second part of the homestudy is tomorrow and the house is a wreck..oh well...they're gonna know we are slobs...oopsie..I don't care right now :p Have I earned the right to be cranky today? Pleeeeeeeease?! I need a nap.

I'll see you all in a bit. :frow

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So, are you going to church, taking a nap, or taking a nap at church? :lol:

I'm not going tonight. I'm past the contagious stage now, but my eyes are still a bit sore. Tomorrow I should be able to start doing a more normal routine.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I went to church. I heard the same sermon we preached to the dear buddy today on our trip out of town :lol: I wish he'd have been there with us. It was about unity within the body of Christ. Everyone knows one or more of those folks who claim the name, but don't walk the walk...I used to be one of those people myself. Well dear friend professes to be Christian, and in reality is alcoholic and addicted to the drama in his life. So, I would like for all my Christian friends on here to pray for "Bo" to get back on the straight and narrow. He is a good hearted guy, but just soooooooo very lost in the mix. Praise God I have been delivered from the old life and am a new creation. I want the same peace and calm for my friends. I hate seing him go through all this mess and continually going back to it once he gets away and gets established again. When he goes back to it, he loses everything. :( He needs salvation, and the peace and purpose that comes with it. I say my friend, really DH's friend, though I actually knew him first...we went to high school together and were friends, but not close friends, more acquaintances. DH met him through work, and they got to be big buddies. Either way, all of us go wayyyyyyy back, and I'd like to see a huge positive change in his life. I'm sure he'd appreciate a change of pace as well right about now. He has hit absolute rock bottom...there is literally nowhere to go but dead or up from this point, and we don't want to see him dead for sure. My heart hhurts for him, but there is nothing I or we can do other than pray. We have tried to be a good influence, even helped him get up some money and shared food with him over the past few months, and he has just sunk lower and lower. We put him on the prayer list at church, but he can use all the prayer he can get right now. Please pray. Thanks ya'll!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sometimes hitting rock bottom is what a person needs in order to turn back to God.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
Sometimes hitting rock bottom is what a person needs in order to turn back to God.
Yes, true. But...what I am saying is this..in order to turn back to God, one would have first had to have turned to God to start with. I do not think he has ever really done so. He is not bearing the fruit of the spirit. I am not trying to judge him, and wouldn't, but his whole life has been much the same, and he is ready for a change. He claims to be Christian, but I have never seen him walk the walk. He is a good hearted guy, but well he has a bit of a mean streak too. Really mean. Like felony charge for assaulting an officer type mean. If this man has ever TRULY known God there is no evidence of it thus far. He was raised Christian, but that doesn't mean he has ever submitted himself to Christ. Alot of folks seem to not be able to make that distinction. I really worry about him!!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Well "Bo" seems to be settling into the place where we dropped him off. I'm not sure that he's very emotionally stable right now, but at least he has a temporary place to live and can look for work.

I have to get to cleaning this house back up today. I have so much to do :barnie I hate housework :/ I swept day before yesterday, but it needs it again already. I have to haul a load of steel too, and then there's the homestudy. Although, the case worker hasn't called...last time she did..I guess I need to call and make sure she's coming today. :hu

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