Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and dinner was delicious!
We had a great afternoon and Dozer is currently out cold snoring like a beast lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Of course y'all weren't that funny today. After all, I wasn't on here. :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
But then again, you guys are rarely going at it when I'm on here.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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5:00 am and I can't sleep....WBF never came back. Hopefully things are okay.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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6:45 and I am here about to go about my morning routine and then to get rid of some pests. :fl


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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FarmerJamie said:
5:00 am and I can't sleep....WBF never came back. Hopefully things are okay.
It's my grandmas fault!!! She is lonely and frustrated because her husband is in the nursing home and they have been having some MAJOR issues with that nursing home :rant She called, and I couldn't get off the phone, then my uncle called and told me everything she had just told me, then my mom called ranting about the goings on....it's really bad. The nursing home has kept him doped up on hydrocodone when his heart doctor doesn't even want him having it because it could kill him. He has been too drowzy to eat, and they haven't turned him enough so he has bed sores. He asks for the pain med due to his bad hip he has had for decades, and them not turning him makes his legs hurt really badly. etc. etc. It's a HUGE mess. I think they have it to where it is going to get worked out now, but wow...just ubelieveably stressful on everyone. Grandmas blood pressure has been sky high from all the worrying, and she needed to vent :hu They had a meeting with the director yesterday and are trying to work out all the kinks. If things don't get better soon, they'll be taking him out and to a different nursing home. Hopefully things will go better though and he can come back home next month rehabilitated. Grandma just wants him home. I can't blame her. She has been crying herself to sleep lately :(

Anyway, I guess things are good here...can't help but wonder who would call DHS and say that stuff either, so that's getting on my nerves a bit. Hopefully it won't make a difference in getting the kids down here. I am just so very ready for it to be over. I don't want to have to fight with them to get it done :( I just can not fathom how someone could be so ugly and backstabbing. Yes we argue, yes we can be controlling, especially me, if the kids get out of control, but that's necessary, and besides my kitchen :p it's the only thing I am controlling about...otherwise this place would be a raging zoo :lol: Who would imply anything else though...I dunno. It kinda hurts my feelings, and makes me mad at the same time :/ Tryin not to let it bother me, but it does. I go out of my way for people, and to have someone say something like that...and it HAS to be someone close that knows we're getting the kids, and knows we're getting close to getting them...just really irks me. However, my friend from the foster classes said someone tried to stir up a stink with her case too, so it's not entirely suprising but still a smidgen of a suprise that someone would. It's definately underhanded, and defiantely a close relative because the details of what was said points to family. There are only 5 people I can think of that would have done it, and I have it narrowed down to 3 of those, I just can't figure out why. I could NOT do that to someone! I don't understand how anyone could.

I have a lot to do today. I want to get some work done in the mom cave, I really don't have any house cleaning to do, but I need to make more bread. I need to get out to grandmas and take her seeds to her and visit for a bit. I need to get the yard cleaned after all the wind the last few days blew all the feed bags away. :rolleyes: :lol: I want to get the front flower beds straightened up and figure out what to do with them this year, and maybe go ahead and plant some peas. Okay, that's not REALLY alot, but it seems like a lot :p The visit with grandma may be a lot because she usually wants me to stay all day ;) I love her, she's a hoot. I think she's going to hang out with Joe(step grandpa) today though so she may run me off...can't never tell with her really :lol:

I need to get with Uncle J too and work out the details of the big party. If/when the kids get here we are planning a MASSIVE fish fry/reunion to welcome them home and give them a chance to get to know some of the family. There are soooooo many of us...it'll take a decade for them to meet everybody! :p My kids still don't know/haven't met ALL my side of the family, and DH and I have been together for 10 years :hu I want to go down to see my Great Uncle D in Alabama soon too, I've missed him at half the family functions over the last few years, so me and Uncle J are planning a visit down there soon ;) The party is gonna be FUN! I am excited to get everyone together again :D We do several times a year, but special occassions everybody usually shows up for, where normally scheduled functions we have a lot to skip every other year. I'll have to run an ad in the paper to get everyone notified and will call as many as I can and delegate others calling too. Then I will need to get location squared away. I can easily see 200 people showing up and I LOVE a big party :weee Planning is about a nightmare though :lol:

So that's what I'm thinking/doing today. Lots of emotions flying around in my head today...I need an hour or so in the mom cave with my bible to start the day off right..so I'm headed that general direction shortly ;) See you all when I see ya :frow


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Okay I told you all I never know what I'm gonna be doing from one minute to the next :rolleyes: Today turned into rip some box elders out of the neighbors yard and go to Lowe's to get materials for landscaping that area and building a hand rail up their steps. Then I came home to my mom here and niecey is staying the night.

I also have some insider information from the whole big rumor :p I called the MIL and just asked :hu She didn't stutter, I can always tell when she's lying or hiding something, she stutters like crazy and changes the subject. I didn't think she said it, so that leaves 2 people. I know who done it, and I WATCH THEIR CHILDREN ALL THE TIME! :barnie I still will keep the kids though, and act like I know nothing...it isn't the kids fault and they have fun over here and with someone like that in their life they could probably use a good influence who doesn't LIE. :rolleyes: DH feels the same way, and it is family. Why is it they'll stab you in the back quicker than anyone?! So frustrating.

Anyway, mom loved the greenhouse, but even better, niecey doesn't want to stay out of there :D I smell a little gardener in the making :D :D :D I love that child. DD even likes to hang out in there once in a while and came out and visited me and niecey today :) We had a good day. I took DD to get her book for school, and a phone card, and she helped me load the top soil for the landscaping project WITHOUT FUSSING :th

DD is even mad about the rumor :lol: I didn't think she'd react that way, but the child got fighting mad and was spouting off about kicking somebodies butt :lol: I know....I keep coming back to that :/ It just really bugs me. I dunno why I can't just forget about it, but I can't. :/

Anyway, I got nothing else done today because everything went in a whole new direction....tis another day in my life. :hu Grandma was gone anyway.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I have a headache. I think I'm gonna go. I have some phone calls to make and a few things to take care of before tomorrow. Besides, there is nobody on to chit chat with and talking to myself is just making my head hurt worse :p Later folks :frow

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