Ds' Indian runner just started laying yesterday. Were saving the eggs to go in the 'bator of course. Can't eat those duck eggs lol. He's checking every day to see if the turkeys laying yet, too. She's so wild acting and scatterbrained I'm afraid she'll be slow to lay. She spent days under the floor of the shed refusing to come out or eat.
I never get turk eggs until April. Then again, mine have usually been still a bit young come Spring...
Either way, I'm watching for them
I'm going to set Del eggs, and when my other bator gets returned I will hatch some Muscovy eggs, and wait for the turkey to get her butt in gear and hatch turkeys I can't wait! Poults and ducklings are SO cute! They're also incredibly easy to sell
Well...I've been on laundry detail most of the day. Four loads washed and hung out on the lines, two folded and hung up so far. I have chicken in the oven slow roasting for dinner. Everything has been fed. All errands have been done, including doing my damage at the polls I am tired, ready for the sun to go down so I have an excuse to tell myself to stop May have to take the neighbors baby to the hospital if she can't get her fever down this afternoon. Poor kid has been sick 4 days now with the same thing I had...it's going around.
Well just as I typed the end f the last post, I got the call and we took her to the ER. Her tonsils were bleeding They sent her home though, with no meds, nothing. They said she'd be okay :/ I hate hospitals. We just got home about 20 minutes ago. She is doing better, we got her fever down, but the spitting blood scared the crap out of everybody including me, and so we took her on in. Her mom was a basketcase by the time I got there to take them, both were crying and upset It was definately scary though. It's the same junk I am just now getting over, and I PRAY I am immune now or I'll have it again next week.