Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Like some of say at work, be careful what you wish for.....


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Jamie, I have no recourse. Have to have a job, hate for it to be 7 days a week. :hu Miss hubs like CRAZY!

Me and the newbie had to go out last night about 9 o'clock and help a neighbor up the road with a flat tire. We were no help, some drunk had come through and stopped to "help" and sheared off the lug nut flush with the rim WITH A FRICKIN CHISEL! We took a torch up there and tried to crack it and chip it on out with a flathead screwdriver, but had no luck with heating it up and cooling it. We cracked it all the way around, but the nut with the chisel had chiselled the rim into the lugnut on one side. The stud was completely flat on one side, and all the threads were hacked to pieces. :barnie We tried for over an hour, to no avail. I really hate that, the lady hasn't got much money, all we could tell her was to have the thing towed to a shop that could replace the stud and lugnut after they get it off. The rim may not even be salvageable at this point :/ I felt so bad for her :(

So, needless to say I DID NOT get to go to bed early OR with my husband, OR enjoy a quiet Friday night spending time with him, and now....he's at work. I am frustrated at this situation. Trying for some quality time again tonight. Turning my phone OFF, and hiding :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You go and hide all you want. I don't blame you.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Got some QT tonight for a bit. We snuggled on the couch after his favorite dinner and cake :) Si was sitting here on my computer :lol: DD was in her room so we sat and watched TV together.

Then we got a call....another guy got booted out of his place with nowhere to go. He's on his way here. He has a good job, just needs to get on his feet. Good guy, it's the twins daddy, so we know him well too. Wow though... :lol: I need to put up a sign now that says No Vacancy! :p

We slaughtered the roos today and I cooked four of them for dinner. I made deviled eggs, and spinach, squash casserole, and biscuits. DH's second favorite dinner. :) I made a Reese's cake for dessert.

Neighbor and her nephew went fishing, and he gave us the 5 fish he caught AND cleaned them too. We're going to have a cookout this coming weekend so that just added to the menu :)

Has been another good day. A little strange, but the last 3 have been a bit weird anyway, so here's to keeping up the pace anyway :woot :lol:

Hope ya'll are having a great one!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Maybe it's a good thing you didn't take me up on my offer of to send my hubby that way. He actually got some yard work done. :hide


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Get your hip waders out WBF, current hurricane track has the future path tracking right over your chicken coop, from what I could tell from the map..... :hide


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I saw that Jamie. Hoping for rain, and a break, truly.

SO much going on here! The second guy is at work tonight, the third guy is taking his bed. We(Silas and me) went and got the other guy this morning, took him to church, and stopped by the flea market and got him a job and a place to live :lol: Sounds so funny when said like that :p One of my buddies up there had been needing a farm hand, so I went and discussed it with him, told him the guys information, what he's going through, and discussed his goals a bit. So, now he has a job, and a trailer to fix up to live in for as long as he needs/wants it. 3rd guy squared away :woot

I have a to do list a mile long tomorrow. The guys are gonna help me knock a bunch of stuff out after we get back from our business trip to the next county over first thing in the morning. We got rid of the last of the melons and stuff today. SOLD OUT! That's great, because it helped the guys get a few things they needed, and helped me get rid of another chore :p

we'll see how this week goes. I am soooooo ready for a bit slower pace.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The pig barn is fixed. The yard is cleaned up. The bean poles are down, tomato stakes too, and stored away for next year. We has a bonfire going. :D Dinner is done, A is washing and DD is putting them away. DH had a better day at work than he has been having. The guys have invitation to go back to the shelter, though we got M a job and place, and S is probably still going to stick it out here with us and see what we can do in the way of making some cash, so for now, him and A are bunkmates. We still have a house FULL, but the guys are settling in nicely. The twins are down here visiting with their daddy and having an absolute BLAST!! They ate dinner with us, came straight from school, and it is so sweet to see them all together :) Everyone is happy, and everyone is blending in well together. It has been peaceful, all the guys get along, and they're all likeable and get along well with our family.

It all made me think today. I was heartbroken when things got in the way of us getting the kids. I had the bunk beds, had their room fixed, just ready to add boys to it. We had DD's room ready to add a little girl. But, God didn't allow it to happen, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why He would let us get sooooooo far in the process, sooooo close, and then....not allow it to happen. And now....the room is full up. The guys needed it all along, but I had no way of knowing that. They didn't have any way of knowing that. But God knew. God had it in the plans all along to give those guys a home. It feels right. We have ALL prayed about whether or not they should go back to the shelter, and all of us have came up with the same answer thus far. No. The guys are supposed to give Bro. J. their final decision tomorrow. We will continue to pray about it, and weigh the pros and cons, and try to work it out. But they fit here, even if it is temporary, and they have found a plethora of opportunity through people I have introduced them to. They have job prospects that they never would have had had they not called me the other morning. So, we'll see. Gods will be done. Not ours, but His.

Not much else going on around here, just work, and trying to help the guys line up some work and trying to be a good influence. :hu Hope I am succeeding, in Gods will. It is SO BUSY here with so many folks :lol: Scheduling has actually been fairly uncomplicated though. Both shelter guys had appointments in the same town today, about the same time, so we took care of that, and A was at work in my car, while I had the neighbors car. We got some stuff from the Amish, and will take it to another town over to sell tomorrow to make some cash when we drop M at his new residence and job. :)

Life is good. Confusing at times, and super duper busy at times, but good nonetheless.

I hope everyone else is having a wonderful blessed day!


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Cindi, God's will be done and how wonderful he is using you for his will. You are so blessed :hugs


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Here I thought I had a busy day, and I'm just out of breath reading your journal!

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