Miss Cindi! I finally get back and now you're missing! . I'm still catching up on everything I've missed, but it sounds like things are going well for you. I sure do miss you and the gang! I hope you get your computer situation squared away.
If I don't get a chance to chat with you before then, Happy New Year!
Yep timing IS everything. Got internet today AND managed to quit my job, since they decided they can no longer pay me I guess I shouldn't go back :/ It was really starting to suck eggs anyway, overworked and underpaid, but it's ok, I have bigger fish to fry anyway I did get a new laptop, and I am on it now. It's pretty nice I worked all day today with the ministry hauling food, and I am a bit tired, and hadn't planned anything for New Years Eve other than getting online to say hi to you all....but then my brother showed up...and then my daughter called, and her and her husband are coming to help hold down my couch and watch movies. I have a few fireworks out in the garage we will shoot off later....so much for no plans
Honestly I was thinking of quitting anyway snappy The job just has been taking too much time away from my SS interests and goals. I really have been out too much money working :/ I think this is a fine place to ring in the new year as well
Isn't this the way it goes! Now that I am out here and have room in and outside the house and even internet, I have very little time for SS stuff. I haven't sewed since we moved out here. But! I know that things always change.