Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well I got my garden seed ordered, and a schedule made out through May, and it only took me till 1 a.m. :lol: I have ordered seed starting mix, a seed pot maker, and TONS of various seeds. :D I am hoping to clean up at the farmers market this year. Last year I didn't have near the time to devote to it, and had little to no help. This year I am concentrating on crops that have high yields per square foot, are less labor intensive harvest wise(like peas and beans which are a harvest time nightmare :p ), and are in high demand at market. I have it narrowed to 5 crops which are tomatoes, squash & cukes which will be trellised, okra, and various peppers. The peppers aren't so much for the heavy yield or market demand as much as they are for my ever so spice demanding hubby :lol: If I didn't do peppers, I wouldn't be able to justify spending as much on the start up for the garden, so I compromised with him and promised at least 125 pepper plants :D Now that I have a horse, I should be able to cut fertilize costs as well. I will also be collecting from a few other nearby barns this week to spread in the area I will be putting the curcurbits so it can age on site to prep the soil for the heavy feeders. I will be collecting free mulch materials now through planting time, and rainwater, and I hope I can do it very cost effectively to increase my profit margins. It looks good on paper, but I am positive I am forgetting a half a dozen variables that will make my life miserable for the next 7-8 months :hide I have gone down a list of various organic methods and amendments for each crop, all heirloom, and have planned how far to keep them apart for seed saving, etc. etc. I have made sure I have necessary organic amendments on hand as well to ensure healthy growth. So....I hope it is successful this year!!!

In other news...I am bordering on obsessing about the garden, so I need to go do something productive. I need to get baking done, and maybe work in the yard a bit today. I think I'm enoying my time off a little too much. :p


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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WOW - 125 pepper plants! And I thought MY DH was a spice-a-holic! He eats peppers with every meal, but I don't think he could ever consume the blessings of that many plants. Eight or 10 jalapenos and a couple of habaneros do him just fine. And, I did grow another pepper this year that was advertised as the 'hottest pepper in the world' but I can't remember it's name. It was HOT, but not a good producer.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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DH advises to save some planting space and get some ghost peppers :lol:

Those are wicked hot! I still use other peppers to give the right blend of flavors, but far fewer than I used to :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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We have bell peppers, jalapenos, Tabascos, and banana peppers. I do plan on selling some peppers at the market, but will need a ton of jalapenos for poppers this season as well. I made over 400 poppers last year and now I have about a dozen left :/ All that work....disappeared, but they were gooooood :drool I had a few this morning for breakfast with some scrambled eggs :D

I had the guy out this morning to fix my internet, been without since yesterday morning right after that post :/ Darn annoying mess...I hate losing internet in the middle of research or posting something :rant Anyway, I think it is good and fixed now, so shouldn't have any more trouble.

I have furniture to move and things to rearrange this morning so I can get my lights set up for all my seedlings. I am SO looking forward to getting started :D :D :D I can't wait till Spring! I have some Russian tomatoes I am dying to try out, they are supposed to be really great for cold climates, able to set fruit at around 40 degrees :ep I can't wait to be the first person at the farmers market with fresh non hot house tomatoes!!! ;) If they work out, I should have tomatoes about 5 weeks earlier than everyone else here :woot IF they are what they claim, and IF they do really well for me, I will very likely have seed for everyone here who wants some for next year by the end of season. I figured I may as well share with my SS buddies, especially those who don't have a long enough growing season for tomatoes...that is truly a shame! Allegedly they are capable of being grown in places with as short of a growing season as 100 days, less if you start them indoors, and they have been claimed to have survived a frost as well. They sound extremely hardy, and I so very much hope they are all they're cracked up to be! Only 4-6 oz. fruits, but with good flavor and very very early production. I will start my seeds next week, and let ya'll know how it goes.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
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Wow! That is quite the plan! Glad I am back, now when my husband complains about my plans, I can show him that I am just as normal as everybody else here :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Scuse me? I am NOT normal :lol: It is funny how most of us here think so differently than a good portion of the rest of the population :hu Tell him to get on board or he's walkin the plank ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
We have bell peppers, jalapenos, Tabascos, and banana peppers. I do plan on selling some peppers at the market, but will need a ton of jalapenos for poppers this season as well. I made over 400 poppers last year and now I have about a dozen left :/ All that work....disappeared, but they were gooooood :drool I had a few this morning for breakfast with some scrambled eggs :D

I had the guy out this morning to fix my internet, been without since yesterday morning right after that post :/ Darn annoying mess...I hate losing internet in the middle of research or posting something :rant Anyway, I think it is good and fixed now, so shouldn't have any more trouble.

I have furniture to move and things to rearrange this morning so I can get my lights set up for all my seedlings. I am SO looking forward to getting started :D :D :D I can't wait till Spring! I have some Russian tomatoes I am dying to try out, they are supposed to be really great for cold climates, able to set fruit at around 40 degrees :ep I can't wait to be the first person at the farmers market with fresh non hot house tomatoes!!! ;) If they work out, I should have tomatoes about 5 weeks earlier than everyone else here :woot IF they are what they claim, and IF they do really well for me, I will very likely have seed for everyone here who wants some for next year by the end of season. I figured I may as well share with my SS buddies, especially those who don't have a long enough growing season for tomatoes...that is truly a shame! Allegedly they are capable of being grown in places with as short of a growing season as 100 days, less if you start them indoors, and they have been claimed to have survived a frost as well. They sound extremely hardy, and I so very much hope they are all they're cracked up to be! Only 4-6 oz. fruits, but with good flavor and very very early production. I will start my seeds next week, and let ya'll know how it goes.
So they are heirlooms? They sound awesome! Hubby's ears perked right up when I described them, so we will BOTH be interested in your results, and buying some saved seed if your experiment turns out!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yes, ma'am these are heirlooms!! I couldn't believe it either!! And nope, no buying for my SS friends :old If these do well, I will be mailing them out to anyone here who wants some. I'm not tryin to be stingy ;)

ETA: I got 125 seeds and plan on planting every single one of them, there should be no shortage of seed to share. :)


Enjoys Recycling
Dec 16, 2012
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SSDreamin said:
Wannabefree said:
We have bell peppers, jalapenos, Tabascos, and banana peppers. I do plan on selling some peppers at the market, but will need a ton of jalapenos for poppers this season as well. I made over 400 poppers last year and now I have about a dozen left :/ All that work....disappeared, but they were gooooood :drool I had a few this morning for breakfast with some scrambled eggs :D

I had the guy out this morning to fix my internet, been without since yesterday morning right after that post :/ Darn annoying mess...I hate losing internet in the middle of research or posting something :rant Anyway, I think it is good and fixed now, so shouldn't have any more trouble.

I have furniture to move and things to rearrange this morning so I can get my lights set up for all my seedlings. I am SO looking forward to getting started :D :D :D I can't wait till Spring! I have some Russian tomatoes I am dying to try out, they are supposed to be really great for cold climates, able to set fruit at around 40 degrees :ep I can't wait to be the first person at the farmers market with fresh non hot house tomatoes!!! ;) If they work out, I should have tomatoes about 5 weeks earlier than everyone else here :woot IF they are what they claim, and IF they do really well for me, I will very likely have seed for everyone here who wants some for next year by the end of season. I figured I may as well share with my SS buddies, especially those who don't have a long enough growing season for tomatoes...that is truly a shame! Allegedly they are capable of being grown in places with as short of a growing season as 100 days, less if you start them indoors, and they have been claimed to have survived a frost as well. They sound extremely hardy, and I so very much hope they are all they're cracked up to be! Only 4-6 oz. fruits, but with good flavor and very very early production. I will start my seeds next week, and let ya'll know how it goes.
So they are heirlooms? They sound awesome! Hubby's ears perked right up when I described them, so we will BOTH be interested in your results, and buying some saved seed if your experiment turns out!
They sound great for my area too. I have a hard time growing tomatoes here because of the cooler spells we get in spring and fall. Can't wait to hear how they do.

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