Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
My plans got shot to crap this morning. I was doing a few things online, and when I was shutting down getting ready to get up and get moving....I leaned forward and pulled a muscle in my back :barnie It was sleeting and crappy weather today anyway, but WHY?!? :lol: I hurt. :(

I did get all the swagbucks I wanted today though, and am on track to get my weed torch by the end of February :D :D
and then the phone rings while you are napping! :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yep, no more leaning forward....or napping obviously :lol: Back is a bit better today :) Still can't do much because of the weather though. :/

We got charcoal, and a propane heater in case the power goes out. DH will be awful if it does, it tends to depress him :hu Maybe if it does go out it won't be 4 days like it was last time. Waiting for the inevitable...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
We will be losing power tonight. Poo...but we're perpared for it at least. We have an alternate heat source, plenty of water, and easily prepared foods. I cooked 2 pizzas and made 2 batces of bread. I'm about to go cook up a few more things so we'll have something to just reheat later. So much for getting stuff done this week :lol: I figure power will likely be out for a few days. Our local power company thankfully IS pretty quick about restoring though, and the whole region will be iced over :rolleyes: On the news this morning they were talking about how much ice it takes to cause outages, and they said between 1/4 to 1/2 an inch....and we already got the 1/4 inch over here so I'm looking for it to happen within the next few hours as the temp drops and sleet and rain continue to fall out there.

We should really buy a generator, or go back to wood heat at the minimum. DD complains about the smell, and DH...well he doesn't like to haul wood in. I couldn't care less, I grew up with it, and it's all the same to me. I don't see the big deal, and I can cook on a wood stove. *sigh*

The only thing I'm concerned about at this point is my next hatch due tomorrow, and the chicks I have left from the last hatch. We'll manage though.

If I don't show up for a few days I didn't want ya'll wondering why :p as if ya'll would miss me anyway :D I'll be down here in the holler livin' SS!!

I think I'll go plant some more carrots and radishes in the greenhouse just for grins :frow

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