Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
:fl Hope you manage to quit smoking! They just raised the price of smokes here...again. It costs us $88 a week to feed our nasty habit!! :ep That's like $4700 a year! Can you imagine what my garden/farm would look like if I poured that kind of cash into it!?! That settles it. There's a hypnosis seminar next week - free - two towns over, and I'm going! (I tried it once before - the hypnotist tripped over words constantly and I couldn't relax :p ) I am the worst offender in this house - DH smokes 1 pack a day and they cost $2. I smoke 1 1/2 a day, at $6.50 per!!! It has long since become a nasty addiction for me. I heard that putting the money you would've spent, daily, into a glass jar - where you can see it - helps. I don't think I have a jar big enough for me :lol:

I can't comment on the teenager troubles. I lucked out with DS#1, he was a great kid with only occasional fits of insanity. I am certain DS#2 will be my trouble child. The boy actually CORRECTED his Dad the other day, and all but called the man an idiot!! DH handled it very well, but later said he totally understood why some animals eat their young :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I sure wish you luck, Cindi. I know you are younger than DH and I, so hopefully you have done less damage to your body also. I was planning on making DH some herbal cigs. I had a few recipes in my textbooks and planned on growing the stuff myself. Then he had a heart attack and had to stop anyway. He isn't complaining about the cigs, but he sometimes complains about his 'pitter pattering.' But I understand its very hard and I wish the best for anyone who wants to kick the habbit. My ole Momma never succeeded. Maybe I can make her the herbal cigs. Hang in there sis.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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And if it makes you all feel better, my Mom quit smoking cold turkey about ten years ago. She hasn't smoked since.... :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I'm doing good on the not smoking thing. I have had a few today, but going from a pack and a half to less than ten at the drop of a hat is doing a little something. I really don't crave them that bad, and I am NOT going to make myself crazy holding abck if I actually want one, so when I crave, I wait 3 minutes to make sure I'm actually physically craving it and not psyching myself out, then I have one if I still want onew, and don't if I don't. :hu 5 smokes a day isn't too bad, after smoking about 30 a day last week :hide It should get even easier after tomorrow. DD will be back on her A.D.D. meds :woot She is SUCH a flamin evil little troll without them. Her mood swings are horrific, it has been all I could do to not pounce on her the last few days, and I'm generally fairly easy going because I know she's just a dumb kid...will be sooooo glad for her to be calmer!!

Time to let the cat out the bag. The secret that I have asked you all to pray really hard about is.......

DH has an interview tomorrow morning for a job that would allow us to FINALLY pay the house off within a year! We were confused about the job issues, because we believe God eventually wants us HERE working the dirt beneath our feets and serving the community in various ways. We thought this job he is working was supposed to be the last. We had been discussing him coming on home and just struggling through the lean times till we could get everything done and leaning on God to pull us through the rough spots as He always has, leap of faith type thing ya know? AND WE HAD DECIDED as stated in a previous post literally about a week ago. Well....seems God has a different approach. This guy from church, that I grew up with since third grade, calls out of the blue and says, get your resume in and copy me on it too. He is a some kind of big whoopty doo something or other :p at the local paper mill. I have no idea of his job title or whatever, but apparently when he says something lotsa folks listen :hu Who knew Rob was so powerful? :hu :lol: So anyway, this construction company that subcontracts work at the mill is the ones interested in hubster. The owners and all the big bosses are travelling from Huntsville tomorrow to meet DH for this interview. Initially they said for DH to come to them, which is a 4 hour drive, but now suddenly, they're coming to him. I dunno what that means if anything, but the job would give hubs a company truck again, and fuel card, and several other perks on top of a nice cushy salary again. IF God sees fit to put DH there, we could pay this place off, buy more land, and SO much other stuff within a years time, and it would be LOVELY to finally have some money freed up to be able to give like it's burning our hands to hold it!!!! There are SO many families I can think of...and in a years time, being in that position would be SUCH a blessing!! And truly, that's the main reason I care about the paycheck :lol: I know...I'm a dork. We just love helping folks though, and God shows us so many who are in true need. And tithes...oh my gosh...tithes would blow UP with this job! I LOVE giving huge chunks of money to the church and watching how God uses it!!! I know...I'm getting ahead of myself, but I just can't help the excitement, I have SEEN with my own two eyes what God can do in situations like this....and it makes me anxious to see it again :D So, God's will be done, and ya'll pray for hubs interview tomorrow. Please and thank yous!!!! :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
OMG - that's such awesome stuff! Sending so many prayers your way I can hardly type. Seriously, if anybody deserves good stuff in life - it's your family.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Girl...none of get what we deserve :lol: If I did I'd be in some kinda trouble :hide but I AM EXCITED :D And thank you SO MUCH for the prayers :hugs I am just stupid giddy tonight :D :D :D :D

Tomorrow me and R have to go help move the food ministry before I take DD for her meds (crazy pills) :lol: It's gonna be a long day! At least i will have somewhere to put all that energy ;)

I got a turkey coop today too!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO lovin that! I have had turks for 4 years and just NOW got them a coop :th I'm excited about that as well, because now I won't have to go on a egg hunt 3 times a week!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And I thought my hubby did bad w/as long as I waited for my chicken coop! :lol: Glad you got a place for your turks. Of course, you may still have to go on an egg hunt. I found one yesterday when I put hay out for the horses. Silly chickens. :/

ETA: That's great news about hubby! I'll be praying for God's will in the matter.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks :) The interview went really well. They won't tell him whether or not he has the job, but, they want him "to come in and look at the site and make sure you want the job" Friday morning. But, he "doesn't necessarily have the job".....according to the bosses. :lol:

So, salary is a bit less than first quoted, BUT includes a company truck, health insurance, cell phone, and a few other perks...ya know...IF he gets the job and all that :p

Still, with the figure quoted to him today, and the low ball estimates I have if we have a pretty crappy to semi decent farmer's market year....the house can be paid in full in 20 months or less, barring any sort of disasterous event between now and then.

We(R and I) worked our butts off today at the ministry. We loaded about 3 trucks, and two more trucks with 16 ft. trailers. We haven't really knocked a dent in it :lol: We have to go back tomorrow and do it all over again. Whew! I didn't even to get to look at my phone to check time until we'd been there 4 hours! We were SO busy, and constantly moving boxes, fridges, boxing up supplies, cleaning out closets, cleaning out rooms etc. etc. It was fun though. I love all the people who were helping :) We always have a good time working, and some of those folks are just a hoot anyway :)

Tomorrow we go back to try to get the rest of it out of the storage rooms and such, and then we will work on the garage area which is piled to the ceiling with boxes and such. Then, maybe we can get done and work here the next day. Friday DH goes to the jobsite, Saturday morning we go to get our taxes done. It's gonna be a long week, and I need to plant some beets, onions, strawberries, and flowers in the greenhouse. :ep We'll see how much I can squeeze in.

FINALLY got DD to the doctor this afternoon :woot Maybe now we can almost get along again :p It's driving DH nuts :/