Almost Self-Reliant
I loved that!
Haha, no i dont think your bipolar and yes i read the whole post, its great!!! We have a DD that is 15 and total drama queen, according to her the move is the end of the world as she knows itWannabefree said:hey! welcome to our group!AmericanHomesteader said:Hi ya Wannabefree, i'm new here and justed wanted to say i really enjoy following your post took a few days to read all of it lol, may God keep blessing you and your family![]()
You read the WHOLE thing? ya think I'm bipolar already?
My life is a roller coaster. I read backward on things I had posted a few weeks ago and thought...WOW, I may really be a genuine NUT
Nevertheless, if you're still here I may not be as crazy as I feel some days, so enjoy
Good to have ya around!
I just made the bestest chicken salad EVER! One large chicken breast fed the three of us, so not to bad on frugality either. I just need to remember how I did the chicken, because i added a few ingredients this time and it turned out terrific! DH and DD gave rave reviews
Church was awesome, the kids did a little program this morning. this one little boy was nearly crying when he got up there. I have no idea what was wrong with him. Then he went to say his part and it was cute how he said it, and a few people laughed, not AT him, but by the look on his sweet little face that is what he thought. Bless his heartHe toughed it out for his next part, and they laughed again, and again, you could see his whole demeanor change. He looked so brokenhearted. I saw a tear roll down, and it was all he could do, he jumped off the stage, and ran, arms out, into his mommas lap and held on for dear life and just let it flow. I went and got him some tissue, crossed the church to his seat, handed him the tissue, and the last of my orange Tic Tacs, and told him he did a great job, and i was SO impressed, he was the only one I was giving a prize to. After a few minutes I saw him sharing his "prize" with his baby brother and smiling, all dried up, and happy again. I've been there. I know that feeling. If we could all just remember whose arms we can run to for comfort, and that friends are always there to pick us up when we're down, that combination can get us through anything! The whole scene was just incredibly sweet. That kid knew who would comfort him without a bit of doubt. Mommas arms are our comfort in this life, but I have a Father who is always willing to wrap His arms around me too. It doesn't matter why I'm down to begin with, or what puts me over the edge. He is always there, and I am always thankful for the comfort that His love brings to me. There was no sermon from the pastor this morning, but for those who paid attention, there was a sermon of love going on between a parent and their child, and it was beautiful
Pretty good Jamester! How about you?BarredBuff said:Have you had a good day WBF?
Thanks buddyBarredBuff said:Im doing fine, I was sick yesterday with a stomach bug. Im glad the things with the kiddos is shapping up!!!![]()
Thanks! We were able to get lots down Saturday though, killed and processed 8 meaties (I was outside killing and skining, the Mom and Gran were taking care of removing the meat, cleaning and washing it, and freezer prep), then me and Gran planted our new Blackberry patch, then I mulched the onions. Then today gran planted the 4 new apple trees, then I have a rabbit getting bred now for meaties. It just busy times here!Wannabefree said:Thanks buddyBarredBuff said:Im doing fine, I was sick yesterday with a stomach bug. Im glad the things with the kiddos is shapping up!!!![]()
Sorry you were ill...glad it was over quick