Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Jun 27, 2011
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A washer is great news!!!!!!! I can hardly wait for that myself--sick of laundrymats! As to your other jobs--Go get em, tiger!!!!!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Gotta make a quick trip with my girl pal to the store for supplies. Be back tomarrrr :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I had a nasty leak under my bathroom sink - I removed the p-trap (which came loose WAY too easy, leading me to think it was loose), cleaned it out while I had it out, wrapped some plumbers tape on it (so I could get it apart again easy if need be) then put it back and tightened it down. DH had to fix the sink here too - the putty around the drain had cracked, causing a leak. He unscrewed it, scrapped the old off, puttied it up with fresh stuff, and screwed it back in, then wiped off the excess. Works great now. Just throwing out ideas for DIY repair :idunno


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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WBF if got a feeling if YOU took a look at it you could probably figure out quicker than most men can. ive got a little leak and once i figured out where it was escaping i can see its probably just going to be a case of unscrew clean out scrub/remove the junk thats built up in the threads and some plumbers tape. with ost sink leaks if theres no crack in the pipe, its often just gunky and loose and needs cleaning and new tape.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You're going about it the wrong way. Several years ago, our dryer broke. Hubby said he was going to fix it. I needed an operation on my arm-ulnar nerve transposition. This was in January, so I wasn't really using the line. I got all of my clothes washed, and hung up on lines all over the basement B4 my operation figuring he'd have it fixed by the time I had to do laundry again. Well, he didn't. I was downstairs in my basement standing on a stool so I could hang up clothes w/my arm in a sling. :rant And for months, he didn't look at it. I was doing a lot more laundry then because both kids were still at home. Finally I told him I was NOT going to do any more laundry until he fixed the dryer. He looked at it, found out he couldn't fix it, so we went and got a new dryer. So, try telling him you're NOT doing any more dishes until the sink is fixed and see what happens.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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A drain is really easy to fix. Mine leaked in the cabinets and it was just a loose pipe. I tightened it and it fixed it. Of course I usually have always had to do my own fixes. Everything from electrical, plumbing, and small carpentry( not good at that one at all!).


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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rather than simply your not doing dishes...your not cooking for him unless you can wash your dishes properly...so untill the sink is fixed,hes responsible for all his own meals...
ive found men dont care too muhc about 6 piles of dirty dishes...FOOD however...food is always a good motivator lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The pipes under the sink are too short due to initial shoddy workmanship when the house was built. It will have to be completely redone. He doesn't have time, nor do I, but he is being stubborn about calling a plumber :/ I'm done waiting on him to have time is all. :hu I could fix it myself probably, with the replacement parts, but I have too much other stuff to do. I could get to it eventually, but eventually is no longer soon enough. I have a friend who is a plumber, so it's not like it will cost me an arm and a leg fortunately. I think my friend will even be willing to barter for the labor. DH means well, he's just got a stubborn streak a mile long, and I've made him frugal beyond reason over the years :p I seriously created a monster!! The old DH would have called a plumber the instant a drop of water fell. The new DH...is a pain in my butt :lol: It'll get done. I'm just sick of neverending "to do's" and only 16 hours in a work day for BOTH of us, and the whiney teen. I don't even wash dishes most of the time anyway. DH and DD split that up, because I am the chef ;) It still irks me when I have to use the sink for things like washing up produce to put away, but as far as washing in that sink, it is rare that I am the one doing it. However, I am just sick to death of looking at the crap rigged mess, and want it FIXED finally. And let's face it, I DO NOT have anywhere near the most careful child in the world, and she is constantly spilling water down the broken side and the cabinets reek right now because of her lack of concern for what I ask of her, which is being careful. If we fix the sink, I don't have to yell at the brat to watch what she's doing in there, and believe me, one less aggravation out of that child is a BLESSING! Plus, I get my canner back and my kitchen won't look quite so Sanford & Son-esque. It looks completely ridiculous as is, and I've just had enough of it. I'm calling my plumber buddy when he gets off work this afternoon, actually calling his wife, who will see to it he gets his tail over to see if he can fix it for me. We'll work out pay then, myself and the wife ;) I am SO not leaving anything up to a man in this deal, since as of late they tend to put things off to my utter dismay. Rather deal with the women folk on this one :p

I got about an hour of sleep last night, got up and took the neighbors kiddo to school, picked up the worker and dragged him over to help cut steel which we will load today and I will take off. I have a Central AC unit to put on CL for a friend if preacher doesn't get back to me about it by noon. Seriously, preacher has had 2 weeks to tell me for sure whether the church wants it or not and it's a GREAT deal, $2k for a 5 ton barely used Trane unit, that the church desperately(supposedly anyway)needs for their gymnasium. So anyway, if he doesn't let me know a solid answer by noon, he's out of the running for it, tired of waiting on a MAN!! Do ya'll see a pattern here? :p

I only slept an hour because I was doing something I wanted to do finally, and that is read that silly book so I could have some finality in my head to that story :barnie Yeah...the last Hunger Games. I hate being mid series, it consumes my thoughts and distracts my brain :p So I got that done, though it took me till 5 a.m.

So anyway, I have to make bread, clean the yard, and water the greenhouse plants. Then I have to get things going for the fish fry, make mayo, tartar sauce, etc. which is why the trip to the store late last night to get supplies to make it all, plus the cake. We're doing a Scooby Doo cake for the kiddos 4th birthday and that is what the fish fry is as well. That is Sunday around 2. Saturday is niecey girls 8th birthday...party at the park, I have to make pizzas for that. I should be getting paid :lol: I have to make pizzas for Wednesday night at church too.

So needless to say I have my work cut out for me. Thursday I have to take my cousin to the dentist in Corinth too. So I have a full week.

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