Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
GEMMA!!!!!!!! He's out of jam :lol: :gig I shoulda known :p

WHEN are they coming back to STAY?!?!?! I miss them!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Well I got more tomatoes and cucumbers and some onions today. Already they're all gone. It wasn't a whole truckload anyway, just about half. Church was great this morning. We enjoyed it. I took the niece through McD's to get some spicy chicken bites for her and DH, DD and I got some chips and we got drinks at another store. We enjoyed our little lunch. It has been FORever since I have gone through a drive thru though, and man I gotta say i DO NOT miss that crap! It took 20 minutes to get through :th I coulda cooked faster than that! At least everyone enjoyed it though. I had gotten some free coupons to try the chicken bites with intent to give them to my neighbor as a gift, but she didn't want them. I still have two more to use sometime.

In other news we have a BUNCH of chickies :woot I took 33 little Easter Egger babies out of the bator this morning, and then eight more a bit later. They aren't quite done hatching yet, so there should be a few more. They're kyooooooot :D I'm selling them next weekend before the cute wears off though :p

Okay, last bit of news....I got a printer. I'm about to take it apart, gut it, and see what I can do about making a pea sheller out of the roller assembly. I'm not sure yet how that's gonna work, but I'm sure I can come up with something. :D :D I'll let ya'll know how it works out, and try to remember to take pics along the way for a tutorial on here so's ya'll can copy cat me ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol, liked his message then...:p

das just waiting on a job offer...the woman whos trying t help him find one her company is in the midst of a freeze and shes now ill again (shes recovering cancer and now thye found out she has a serious hernia, poor woman just cant catch a break... :(
But as soon as he gets a solid offer he'll be there.
he cant wait to come back and i think there hoping to come down for a couple of weeks in the fall :)

sounds like youve had another fun but busy day :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I have had a super busy day SUPER busy! First I went and picked 3 bushels of peas and delivered, made a few bucks there. Then I came home, loaded steel, took it off, picked up DD's school supplies and a few groceries, brought that stuff home and put it away. Sent DH for fuel, feed, and to give his resume to the company, that I printed out sometime this morning(can't remember when) and sliced up a bunch of tomatoes for the dehydrator. Got those in, and did 3 loads of laundry, then cooked nachos for dinner. Now, here I sit...finally I get to plant my butt in a spot for more than 15 minutes! Oh, but I still have to check the mail, gather eggs, and find some stupid dividers that I bought last year for DD. Oh well. I'm planted right here for the moment. :p

OH! DH starts work next Tuesday if everything goes as planned :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
I have had a super busy day SUPER busy! First I went and picked 3 bushels of peas and delivered, made a few bucks there. Then I came home, loaded steel, took it off, picked up DD's school supplies and a few groceries, brought that stuff home and put it away. Sent DH for fuel, feed, and to give his resume to the company, that I printed out sometime this morning(can't remember when) and sliced up a bunch of tomatoes for the dehydrator. Got those in, and did 3 loads of laundry, then cooked nachos for dinner. Now, here I sit...finally I get to plant my butt in a spot for more than 15 minutes! Oh, but I still have to check the mail, gather eggs, and find some stupid dividers that I bought last year for DD. Oh well. I'm planted right here for the moment. :p

OH! DH starts work next Tuesday if everything goes as planned :D