Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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If they don't they're gonna get mighty hungry :p :lol:


Jun 27, 2011
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Thanks for the reminder about training folks how to treat me. I haven't been doing so well at that myself lately.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well I gotta go get my little evil troll :p I'll catch you all tomorrow :frow

Have a great night!!! blessings to all! :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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She argued and pitched a fit all. the. way. home. :th She doesn't want to pay for the fuel to take her to and from work, she "doesn't think it costs that much," and "her friends said..." and "gas isn't THAT high." Seriously, could anyone possibly be any more stupid than that? And then she YELLED at me :somad :somad :rant We were right at a quarter mile from home when she decided somewhere in her idiotic little teenage mind that that would be okay.....we live on a back country road, not a lot of traffic, so I slammed the brakes on, and I put her little arse out of MY truck right then and there. She walked the rest of the way home, with me poking along behind her to make sure she didn't get hurt. I'm creative with punishment, not stupid and oblivious that even in the backwoods the world can be dangerous, but yeah, made the brat walk. Also confiscated her new Kindle and her phone. She was ill because she got a short check, but had to pay fuel. Now I am NOT a mean uncaring mother like she thinks, for the first two weeks, because I knew she needed to build up some cash, I did NOT take fuel money. The agreement all along though, is if she goes to work, she pays to be carted back and forth as is reasonable, and at that point, weeks ago, she was reasonable, and agreed. I don't know what has crawled up her tail, but she better get it out, and quick, or she won't be working long at all. :/ She's lucky I made her walk, my momma would slapped my teeth clean out my mouth and dialed the cops herself to come get ME, and there darn sure wouldn't be any more job! I don't know what this world is coming to that kids think they are so entitled to everything under the sun for free, but my child is about to learn a few things, and she best be making it quick, for her own sake because I am tired of gritting my teeth with her. I just can't get over how she has been acting lately. She's been nothing but demanding and disrespectful, and the arrogance...omgoodness...I just want to disown her completely sometimes....I don't need the added stress! :barnie

It takes $10 for one round trip to take her TO work, and the same to go back and get her in the truck. She doesn't want R to take her in the car, which still costs just over $6 one trip, but would be a good bit less at $13 every work day, rather than $20. It IS a lot of cash, but, if I am headed that way anyway, I told her I won't take fuel, but she IS going to have to cough up a bit of money here and there. This was just one of those times. SHE wanted the job that's 25 miles from home, not me. SHE insisted she go to work, not me. So, it is only fair that SHE foot the bill for it. I get 15 mpg, in that beast. I just can't afford to be burning so much fuel and not being reimbursed. When I do go by there, it is to go make money at the market, so I'm okay with her keeping her money. I got told last night though, "Mamaw didn't charge me for gas." Ya think? Mamaw doesn't have to take her ALL the time either, and IF she did, she'd have to ask for gas money as well. Nobody can afford that all the time! But I guess because "Mamaw" wouldn't charge her, it is unfair and unreasonable for me to do so. :rolleyes:

Daddy has dropped the ball as far as talking to her about her attitude too...go figure, big red firetruck, seen that coming from a mile away :smack

I'm thinking very hard about just running away for about a month :/

My sciatica is acting up too. I can't stretch my left leg out and my butt and leg down to my knee has been numb for 2 days :lol: MAYBE....I might have overworked with 4 truckloads this week :p Maybe. Oh well, working through the pain and discomfort. Big plans for tomorrow....watch them get squashed again....need to FINALLY get the broccoli set out, and a few things planted. I have done forgot what all was on my list, so I have to make a new list for this week. R is feeling much better finally though, and will be helping. I have the birds i bought yesterday sold at a profit come Tuesday, and we've been bombarded with eggs and egg sales, so they're welcome to stay till then and give me more product ;)

Church was good today, and we have a new guy at the shelter who is interested in farm work, and may be coming out to help get the garden in and some building done in the next few weeks. We'll see how it works out. Have to see how the money is then. They don't charge much by the day, but every penny counts, and I'm really watching pennies here lately. Hoping we can do some bartering for labor, but will have to talk to Bro. J about that. Everything with the guys has to go through him, so it's just an idea and a willing guy at this point. Doesn't necessarily mean he'll come.

Either way....I guess i better get to making a list, er...rather adding to the existing one anyway, with prioritizing a bit for the beginning of the week.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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id be flat with her...
you cant pay for gas, i cant take you so start calling your co-workers to see whos on the same shift as you and car share...
oh and see how long itll be beofre THEY are askng for gas money too...

unfortunatly i think alot of it is a peer thing, my parents expected when i had it to pay my share...
all my "friends" in school would then call it "stupid" how dare they, blah blah blah...

in college it ws no diferent ...
again why shoudl you have to pay this that and the other thign when your in school and trying to maksome money...

and even after college...people couldnt belive thatme, while living at home pid RENT to my parents to live with them, paid for my own food and bills and phone and cable and car insurance ect...just couldnt understand it and were constantly telling me how unfair that was ect...living at home should be Free...and aparently ood and cable and internet and elphones should all come included in that price...

unfortunatly my sister seems to have caught the "but im not making THAT much money and i need it for gas and concert tickets" bug and unlike me or my brother doesnt seem to understand that mommy and daddy arnt actually MADE of money and we need to earn our keep or pay our way...
and unortunatly that lovely young lady seems to be easily led astray by peer pressure/social ideas o "normal" (which in this day andage their age group has NO ideas about.)

nothing you did wrong, and realy not 100% her fault either,...doesnt make it right and addy seriously needs tostep up here because shes obviously not going to acceptreality form you...
but unfrotunatly its the world shes exposed to and she seems like a lamb thats easily led stray on some things.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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WBF, I hate that attitude from kids as well.

Driving age around here is 17. I had a car at 17 because my mom would rarely let me have hers-and I had a job. It was too far to walk, and riding my bike wasn't practical. I bought the car myself, paid for my insurance, paid for my gas, etc.

I wasn't real popular in high school-until I got a car. Then, everyone thought I was going to cart them all over. I stuck a can in the back w/a sign on it asking for donations to help w/gas, etc. And people got offended. They also stopped asking for rides. Didn't bother me in the least!

When I got out of school and got a job, I paid rent to my parents. I bought my own clothes. IMO, my parents did me a favor. They were prepping me for the real world.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I agree sis, pretty much just summed it up there. I've done everything I know to get through that thick head of hers. She's just mean to me :p

Her daddy is just perpetually too stinkin passive, and i can't get through to him either. I dunno what to do anymore.

When I took on the task of raising someone else's children, I (apparently stupidly) believed that the other parent would help. I'm STILL waiting on that one most of the time :/

If she's an unproductive member of society when this is all said and done, it is certainly not for lack of trying on my part. That's all I can do. *sigh*

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