Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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I had to wear kevlar gloves and sleeves to a job I had once... You know, because it's hard to bite through kevlar. I don't miss that job a bit. No crack houses though, that's a new one for me. Maybe I have that to look forward to.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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yup, lucky you. I had a small equalizer in my nursing bag but I darn sure never wanted to use it. cut and run was always my first choice.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DH is doing an auditing job now. He goes to health clinics and see if they are in compliance on 'stuff'....he had to go to a place in a really bad part of Houston the other day. He got in just fine, but when he was leaving their big, ethnic male nurse suggested he walk DH to his car. Told him if he came back to do the follow up - to call from his car and he'd come out and walk him in. Geeze - and DH is not a little guy.

When he got back to our little home town he stopped to shop...went to start his car and it wouldn't start - the battery was dead! It had started in the bad part of town, and when he got to a safe place it wouldn't start. Wow! Color us grateful!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Amen! All the time!! I'm so tired of this job. Was actually contemplating resigning before my construction job starts in September, but there have been so many delays I'm afraid to, and afraid to get something else till it starts also because I don't want my work record to be spotty or gapped. It's really frustrating though that I have all the white trash clients...and I don't mean that necessarily as an insult it just is truly the way these people are and they flaunt it. I never know what I'm walking into. Roaches, vicious dogs, people who refuse to bathe...I have several of those...I'm about to get aggravated enough to just walk away lol! I told my boss she better NEVER send me to another drug house/flop house EVER again...I was pretty ill tempered when I got out of there :lol: Anyway, niece got braces yesterday and she's being a troll because she is hurting and can't do her favorite thing(eat) as well as she had been able to...I feel for her, but man can she be a mean little something lol! I've had to call her down a couple times today. She struggles with pain, she can't handle much. She's a soft squishy little troll. Bless her. A few more days and she will be back to herself I hope I hope I hope hope hope...she's getting on my nerves with the whiney 13 year old routine. I've tried to keep her distracted as much as possible, but the kid is HANGRY!!! I hated when I got my braces. She was all excited. Then she got them. Excitement is gone. She's already asking for pliers o_O


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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She is just unhappy. She can't eat what she wants as much as she wants as fast as she wants. She has had popsicles ice cream ramen noodles cheeseburgers pizza you name it she has ate it, all her favorites...she is just bent on complaint and attention seeking at the moment. I don't understand it. She is struggling with more than food but using that as an excuse I think. With the recent events in her life, there's really no telling. I hope she decides to talk it out soon. I try not to push her or dig or pressure her to speak, give her space and time and let her tell me when...but she is trying my patience this time lol typical teen. I love her anyway, troll tendencies and all. Just hoping she comes around soon and realizes that most of this isn't easy on anybody and she remembers I'm the ally not the enemy. She has pulled away from me a bit lately and I know it has to do with the incident between her mother and myself, but she knows why that happened the way it did. She knows I'm a protector. She will come around. She's a smart young lady. She's a little jealous of me taking up for my friends son too, but he's 5 years younger, and I explained to her tonight when I got onto her, that like it or don't, she's older, and I expect more from her than I do from a little boy. They both live to aggravate each other and bicker. I only step in if they can't/won't resolve it themselves. So does his dad. The age gap and the gender difference plays a huge role. It's funny, if he isn't pestering his dad for her to come over, she's begging me to call and ask if we can come hang out. They love each other so much and yet....WW3 as soon as they get together :gigKids are a hoot!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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I'm 99% sure DS is going to need to get braces soon. I'm going to have to see what the dentist say, as he's so young and his permanent teeth are still coming through, but one went completely the wrong way, up his gum. He's exited about the idea of getting braces, but now I read how the niece is taking it, I am a bit worried… Oh well :) Bring on the ice cream!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sumi make sure if he gets them on the FIRST appointment they trim the wires adequately in the back. That has been her biggest issue with pain is the wires slicing her jaw open with those stupid wire ends sticking too far out. It won't initially feel problematic...but once it scrapes a few times...smh...having actually worn them myself I wish I could have gone with her, but my mother took her. I knew what to look for, she didn't, so it has been a long weekend for my niece. It's best to get them on Monday so the dentist office is open and can adjust/trim/answer questions the first few days while the patient is getting used to them. DO NOT get them done on a Friday for crying out loud!!!

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