Want to come back on this forum after almost two years!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Today was a HUGE day as it was our family's 6th annual spey clave. My dad owns a fly fishing shop and a spey clave is when all the fishermen gather to talk fishing and watch other better fishermen demonstrate. My sister and I helped our mom feed all those people which came out to 250 hamburgers cooked. Our menu was hamburgers, macaroni salad, baked beans, chips, corn on the cob and homemade cookies. Mom made 560 cookies. All food was homemade and delicious or so I heard. There was no beans left or macaroni salad. We left here at 6 am, I came home at 5:30 pm to feed our animals, left again until 7 pm. Then came back home and then once again went back to moms for pizza as I was too exhausted to even think about cooking. It is nice that mom and dad only live 1 mile away.

Awesome day seeing people I haven't seen in a year that I really enjoy!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
I get to stay home today unless I choose to leave my house but don't have too. That is so nice, with two kids in physical therapy that means five trips to town for that each week, plus the school runs and so forth. I am so glad to just stay home.

I am not sure what I will accomplish today; time will tell but whatever it is it is because I choose too, not because I have to. :plbb

Editted to add: It is just youngest dd and I home today so that really even makes it better! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
homesteadmomma said:
Today was a HUGE day as it was our family's 6th annual spey clave. My dad owns a fly fishing shop and a spey clave is when all the fishermen gather to talk fishing and watch other better fishermen demonstrate. My sister and I helped our mom feed all those people which came out to 250 hamburgers cooked. Our menu was hamburgers, macaroni salad, baked beans, chips, corn on the cob and homemade cookies. Mom made 560 cookies. All food was homemade and delicious or so I heard. There was no beans left or macaroni salad. We left here at 6 am, I came home at 5:30 pm to feed our animals, left again until 7 pm. Then came back home and then once again went back to moms for pizza as I was too exhausted to even think about cooking. It is nice that mom and dad only live 1 mile away.

Awesome day seeing people I haven't seen in a year that I really enjoy!!
Okay the people who brought the corn for this event brought a ton extra and they gave the leftovers to me.


After sharing alot of it with several people I canned 13 quarts and 1 pint.


Pretty happy with that as it was free corn that had already been husked and everything. The leftover corn cobs went to the pig and he was had a grand old time with them. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
That's alot of corn! Sounds like it was a good time too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Can I ask a silly question? About how many corn cobs would you say it takes to fill a pint? I don't grow corn but when it goes on sale crazy cheap I often consider if it would be worth canning. But not knowing how may it would take usually discourages me.



Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
TanksHill said:
Can I ask a silly question? About how many corn cobs would you say it takes to fill a pint? I don't grow corn but when it goes on sale crazy cheap I often consider if it would be worth canning. But not knowing how may it would take usually discourages me.

I want to say first that I think no question is truly silly, however I have questions all the time that I won't ask because I am afraid that everybody will think I am dumb! :hide:D

I am not really sure, these were broke in half. I would say that it would take about 6 to 8 whole corn cobs. Now that estimate may be low or high. I am not sure if it is really cost effective if you have to buy the corn, but where it was given to me I got a great deal.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Today we extended the goat pen quite a bit so it is not allon a hill anymore, YEAH, no more falling down in the mud in the winter. We also built them a nice new lean-to area to get out of the weather and it is big enough for their hay and grain to go in there. I am so happy. :) Total cost was $62 since we used pallets for the walls and sides. We still need to put up one more sheet of metal on the roof and I need to paint it.

On another goat note, Kalico is doing his manly job. I know for a fact Maya got bred yesterday and I am 99.9% sure that Hope got bred two days ago. That just leaves Jill and while she is in heat she is giving him a run for his money. The wether is definitely not helping matters as he thinks the does all belong to him and he keeps running off the little buck. :rolleyes:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
TanksHill said:
Can I ask a silly question? About how many corn cobs would you say it takes to fill a pint? I don't grow corn but when it goes on sale crazy cheap I often consider if it would be worth canning. But not knowing how may it would take usually discourages me.

With good ears I average about 1/2 cup of corn per cob.

Something you need to know whether you are canning OR freezing.

We get it usually at the Farmer's market near me. I am NOT afraid to taste what they are offering and try to buy only the freshest and sweetest. Then I RACE home and boil the stuff ... at least long enough to blanch it and STOP the sugars from turning to starch. Then I can take a bit to cut it off the cobs whether I am freezing or canning. I just refrigerate if I am not ready to work it up that minute. Sometimes I buy and blanch on Sat morning and can or freeze on Sunday afternoon.

We have also gotten into the summer habit of having a dozen ears or so that we blanch and then just leave in the fridge for summer snacks - cold!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Well on Sunday I hatched 5 baby chicks in the incubator to join the 25 I ordered that arrived on Wednesday from Meyer Hatchery. People wanting eggs has gotten to a point where I have no eggs in the house and a waiting list.

I have some ducks for sale on Craiglist, I am not sure what is going on with me but the ducks are so loud lately it is truly driving me crazy. I want to switch over to Muscovey ducks but the only person that has any wants $25 per duck and there is no way I am paying that. I also have some free roosters on there right now. I suppose I should butcher them out.

It has been raining here everyday and we needed the rain but it truly making everything a big muddy mess, I am not ready for winter I have decided.

I need to move animals into different pens getting ready for winter. Also thinking about winter I have been thinking about Christmas. My husband called me a cheapskate this last week. We went to a different town for medical reasons that is 500 miles away and the Wal-Mart in that town had a fabric department. They had the softest fleece with monkeys on it and I wanted to get it for my nephew for a blanket for Christmas. It was 10 pm and there was no one to be found in the fabric department. I rang the little bell several times but nobody came. I laid the bolt of fabric on the counter and went up front to see if it was too late to have it cut. When I got back to the fabric area there was a lady there with four bolts of fabric waiting. I told her I had went to get somebody to cut my fabric that was on the counter. Well the Wal-Mart lady come, moved my fabric and helped this other lady first. They talked and talked and talked. There was a young man standing there buying some really soft pink fleece for his new baby. We kept looking at each other and sighing. It really shouldn't take 20 minutes to cut 4 one yard sections, IMO. They finish up that order and the lady looks at the young man and asks if he is ready. He tells her yes but I was first. She says okay. I tell you I would like to see how much a yard is and she pulls it off for me. I ask her to please make it a yard and a half. Well there is a yard and 7/8 on this bolt. She tells me that but the fabric on the end is dusty and really wrinkled. I know it can be washed but I didn't want that amount and I didn't want to pay for the fabric on the end. I tell her just a yard and a half please and she again tells me there is a yard and 7/8. I was getting irritated but politely told her I just wanted the yard and a half. We go through this several times, it is now 10:30 and the young man is still waiting. She says to me well I will just have to give it to you then as I can't sell this little amount. I tell her thank you. Dh says you are such a cheapskate, you should have just paid for it. I told him why should I pay for dusty wrinkled material. Maybe I am just a PIA.

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