Want to come back on this forum after almost two years!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Today the sun is shining and it is a beautiful, glorious God given day. Took my oldest dd and her friend to SS and then went to deliver the duck eggs. Our youngest can't handle both SS and church. While dropping off the duck eggs in the grocery store parking lot, got another order for two dozen chicken eggs, and last night a lady ordered four dozen. The chickens are just about paying for their feed now. Anyway went back to church and youngest dd started screaming and screaming and wouldn't stop. I finally just packed up the kids and headed home. We were having our church picnic in the park today and so the oldest dd was very disappointed, but handled it well. I think I need to speak to the doc about upping youngest dd meds. It is so hard to go anywhere planned. I sort have became a hermit in the last couple of years because she doesn't handle hardly any social functions. I went prepared with her wheelchair/stroller, tippy cup, blanket, crackers and the whole nine yards. UGH!!! Oh well, she is a blessing from God also!

Metal - we planted pine trees, I think they were Douglas Fir. We planted them all along the fence lines everywhere so hopefully in the years to come they will sort of isolate us. We also have apple, pear, plum, cherry and walnut trees. They are well established as they have been here for years. Watereing this year will be a pain, but hopefully worth it We got them late in the spring so they didn't benefit from the spring rain. They were a gift from a neighbor so it was awesome.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Today is a nice relaxing day! Folded three loads of laundry and there isn't enough for anymore loads. The weather is in the 70s; it is beautiful. Rained again last night so no need to water today. With those three ducks gone, the chores were much easier. Didn't realize how long it took to round them up and how much more of a mess three extra ducks could make.

We used to have chickens in a metal shed but we had to many chickens for the space and it was hard to keep clean. Plus with too many chickens the condensation in there was horrible. We had built a new chicken house in January and that is working much better. We were suppose to move the shed down the hill and use it to store tires, lawnmowers, the weedeaters and etc. However, dh never recruit his friends to get it moved so I have stolen it back. I have decided to brood my BBS Orpingtons in there, of course here I am counting my chicks before they hatch. Then I will put some insulation and plywood on the walls and use it for my Orps and keep them seperate.

Some great news I think, little dd's wheelchair/stroller is broken, it won't collapse and so it makes it very difficult to go anywhere with it, as it is pretty big. I called the company and it is still under full warranty and they have been excellent to work with thus far. Makes it nice when you get wonderful customer service. I think though for $500 it should be under warranty! Hopefully her wheels will be fixed soon!

Need to go out and rake the remaining dirt for the kids pool and make sure it is leveled out; it has been a lot of work, I hope it is worth it!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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It is about time I update this...

I lucked out as it has done nothing but little rain off and on for the last week so my late attempt at planting alfalfa looks good so far. It has sprouted, I have no idea what I am doing, I have researched this alot but my space is only about 30' by 70' and I probably won't get much off of it, but I had to try. :rolleyes:

The garden looks awesome, I need to go pick a crop of snowpeas, the cool weather has been awesome for them. The only thing not looking so great is the peppers and I think it has just been too cold for them.

The cherry, plum and pear trees are loaded with fruit. The cherries should be ripe within a week or two. The raspberries are beyond loaded and are starting to turn pink. I am going to freeze raspberries, make jam, do anything I can with all the raspberries and of course share them with my friends.

I just got a crazy hair and ordered 50 pullets from Meyer Hatchery, they had an unbelievable sale and I am hoping to raise them until about 6 weeks to 2 months and sell them. With shipping the cost was $1.74 per bird, I got 25 golden sex links and 25 of the rainbow egg layer special. They will be here Thursday. I also have eggs due to hatch on the 26th and they are the BBS Orps. Also have 7 duck eggs due to hatch the same day.

I have more to tell but will have to come back later.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Wonderful day celebrating Father's Day with all the family, hamburger barbeque at lunch with dh's family and cheesy sandwiches with my parents. We had angel food cake with strawberries with each family, yummy!!!!

My white crested duck has sort of decided to go broody, she sits and then she gets up and wanders around and then sits and then wanders around. It will be interesting to see if she sits or not.

The most exciting thing around here to me was I FINALLY started my worm farm. I have only paid $5.99 so far and it is ready for worms. I might have to order some and I don't want to but if I have to I have to. A friend said she would give me some and I am hoping she will, otherwise I will have to order some. I really want to do this for fishing worms.

I have been thinking this whole self sufficiency thing is a new way of thinking but I realized today that I have been wanting to make a worm bed, compost pile, raise chickens and so forth for a years now.

There is an add of Craig's List that there will be suffolk lambs at the livestock sale on Wednesday. Oh I am so tempted. I really want to purchase one I think and that would cause a divorce with my husband. I love him but you know that sheep is calling my name. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Took the youngest to school this morning and waited in town for the 45 minutes she goes to school. It is summer so she only goes one day a week for 45 minutes just to keep her in the swing of things. While she was in school went to visit my grandma at the retirement center and then went to the bank. Picked dd up and ran to the feed store. There was a lady there with a kitten about 4 weeks old that was covered in fleas. She told me there is several more in the alley, just go pick one. I had to pass, even though I felt horrible about not giving one of those kittens a chance at a good home.

Raked the shavings in the chicken house and found a dead Auranana (sp) hen that was about three months old. I was so sad, I checked her over really good and can't find a cause for her death. There wasn't a mark on her and I just don't know.

Dh rode the four-wheeler and sprayed the fruit trees today. I would prefer not to spray them but if we don't the fruit is so buggy it is hard to salvage any of it.

My white duck, Snowflake, is still sitting on and of the nest but more on today. The Cayuga drake, Moonlight, who has been her buddy since day 1 is guarding the nest too. I thought that didn't happen in ducks but the dog went over there and he hissed and hissed at the dog. When I go over there, the ducks quack at me but don't get mad. Moonlight is sitting right next to her and guarding her. I thought this only happen in geese.

Picked peas out of my garden today. I was walking around looking at our property wondering if we will be here next year at this time. I am not sure what God has in store for this world, but to be honest I am nervous and trying to get prepared. Dh laughs at me and thinks I am crazy in a good way but he just doesn't see it. I look at my kids and wonder what life will be like for them, if God hasn't return yet.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Homesteadmomma, how are your duck eggs in the incubator doing?

I hope your Snokeflake will decide to set..



Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Once again, I have been gone for a long while. I have canned cherry jam, pie cherry filling and eating cherries. I have made a ton of raspberry jam and have froze lots of raspberries. Been seal-a-mealing green beans and freezing them. The 51 chickens I ordered from Meyer are now 6 weeks old and I have sold 16 of them and given away two. The money for those 16 paid for all 51 so that has a good deal. I can either sell the others for a profit or keep them for my egg business. I have made a few pints of dill pickles. It is hard to do very many at once because my family likes the baby dill and they aren't all ready at once.

Snowflake the duck did set along with a Rouen duck. They were great sitters, HORRIBLE mothers and the only duckling that survived died in my arms tonight. Long story, won't tell it all here, but I am done with baby ducklings and baby chicks this year.

Will post more later, living life to the fullest and trying to keep up with the speed that it seems to be barreling down the highway at. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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I have been missing in action, but I have to comment that in my last post on this journal, I said I was done with baby chicks and ducks this year. LOL

My incubator is full of runner duck eggs, Bourbon turkey eggs and sussex chickens. Life is good.

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