War with Russia?


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
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I call it our gooberment. :cool:

I am wondering if any of you who live or have family that lives out of the states would know of anyone who would be a good pen pal for a home schooled preschooler? She loves getting letters so we are trying to find her pen pals. I would prefer in english but i can always buy a word dictionary. Maybe someone who is learning english? We are teaching spanish and American sign language now but can add a third language.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 5, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
heatherlynnky said:
Yikes, the europeans are really peeved. Regime? When did we get a regime? Ok..well.....I am mildly worried. Honestly our go bags are packed, we have outdoors skills to fall back on, we are pretty firmly entrenched here in the country, hidden away in the woods, surrounded by neighbors just as prepared as we are. So actually I am not that worried. The family already knows to throw everything they can in the car and head here before things get bad. Yes things stink here, yes our government is just as corrupt as our founders feared they would become. I think we are half way to having a dictator and an ignorant voting base could be the ones who make this feasible. I don't trust either party at this point. One is incompetent and the other is incompetent and evil. Seriously we can depend on God, family, friends and ourselves.

So if they want to start a war they can go for it. Personally I will be out in the woods and fields gathering herbs, mushrooms, and greens. When we decided to become self sufficient we decided to not allow this to be a worry anymore. Thats what I am planning on doing.
Couldn't have said it better.

ETA: Except I'd like to add for those such as Neiklot who have an "outside looking in" kind of view...you know MOST of us Americans...are NOT truly represented by the 400 or so in Congress and the White House that make all the trouble for the rest of us to deal with, right? ;) Just wanted to give you a "little person on the totem pole" American perspective. Very few of us agree with very much of what the government does these days, and it has been this way for an entire generation. Somebody threw a monkey wrench in the works somewhere and started a total crapstorm breakdown for the rest of us :/ Americans in general aren't what the rest of the world perceive us to be due to our stupid government officials and their mostly hairbrained politics. Just sayin ;)
And that's my point! Glad you understood it! :)

We are all the same, think the same and do almost the same stuff: Worldwide!
The only problem is, as you say, to the common man, you and me - it is not we who appears in the media and reflected to the world.

ninny: how old are your kids?


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I think that most "little" people-- no matter WHERE they live-- just want to be left alone to pursue their lives as best they can. But it is easy to dislike or even hate someone you don't know, and that is what the Powers That Be count on when they force feed us with propaganda.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
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Neiklot: My oldest is three.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Ninny I will be honest with a three year old the possibilities are endless for what you could teach that will be useful to your self sufficient life later on. Part of our emergency preparedness is teaching our kids skills. One more reason that I am not going to worry. I have 4 ages 3 to 12. Even the baby has a go bag. She also helps with harvesting veggies, helps mommy gather herbs ( flowers and leaves to her). The three and 5 year old love to gather plantain for mommy to make a healing salve and they know what most of these plants are for. The kids know how to make bread. Seriously if all of the adults in the house died my 12 and 10 year old could take care of the littles better than most adults. They know how to take care of the animals. Doctor up the injured ones. I really feel that one way to feel more confident in a crazy world is to know more. Once you feel more confident that come heck or high water you and your kids can make it, its just easier to make it through stress free.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Your 10 and 12 year old are darned close to what was considered adult in times past, and because of the way you have taught them, they have the maturity that so many are lacking. People today put so much emphasis on children "being allowed to be children"- and translating that to mean "no responsibility"- and what is the result? We have people in their 20's and 30's (and even older) who are incapable of having a productive, happy life, or raising their children; so the grandparents are being forced to care for the grandchildren (and one wonders if they will do any better with the second generation than they did with the first?) while their children live on the dole and destroy themselves with drugs.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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I have learned so much from my older ones and hope to apply why I have learned with my younger bunch BUT I have to say that even though my oldest could take care of themselves they are very much kids too. In some ways they are not as mature as their counterparts. I have protected them from so much on TV that is has allowed them to keep their childhood and still learn responsibility. I think most kids now are little adults before their time but at the same time they never learned the skills, mentalities, discipline, or responsibilities that they would need to survive as adults. They grew into incomplete adults. Both my husband and myself have had to struggle and make huge mistakes and muddle our way through these skills. Its so much easier for the kids to learn than an adult.

My suggestion really is simply to use your homeschooling as part of your prep. Its scary to think of disaster, collapse or terrorism and feel that there is no way you can protect your kids. Yours are all young and I remember being in that position. Take this time though to include skills and even just instilling a self sufficient mentality in them and it will not just give them confidence but you also. I know if the poo hits the fan I have 2 older ones who will grab the littles hands, get everyone properly dressed, pop on their go bags and the littles and meet us at the door. Mom and dad can worry about the rest. Thats comforting. I have had the kids see the storm clouds and are running about securing animals, they hear the siren and they grab some toys and such for the littles and they are in the basement before I can even say anything. It takes a load of a moms mind. Its one of the things I love about homeschooling my kids they learn everything they should in school and I still have time to teach them about gardening, canning, gun safety, archery, sewing, and leatherworking. The list is endless and its fun too. My kids love that they don't just have book work, they have hands skills lessons too. Many times they are learning right beside mom and dad.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
yep; you can teach your children all those extra skills because you don't have to bog your day down with administrative duties like taking roll call, etc.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
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Yup my 3yr lives in the garden right now. Don't you dare pick a green tomato either she gets nasty if you pick one. I have been trying to find a good local resource for wild plants but have not really found anything. She is always taking the guns a part with daddy and teaching him gun safety. It's cute. Daddy loves it too. Right now a trigger is a chigger. She takes care of the chickens and would the rabbits but I don't let her. It's not set up where she can be helpful yet. She helps cook almost every meal. School time is just awesome in her mind. We believe in learning through play so all day is school really. I just wish I could get her more interested in books. We are working on that. Trying to teach her enough that when my c-section comes this winter she can really be helpful for me with her sister. One reason we are learning Spanish and ASL is so that no matter where she is in the USA she should be able to ask someone for help.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
My children couldn't wait to read (even though the last one didn't get the brain development needed to read until he was 9) because both of us read like a house on fire. The kids apparently decided that anything Mom and Dad liked to do that much MUST be fun ;)

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