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Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Why doesn't one or the other just become a legal citizen of that country they will live in? very simple. if "married" wouldn't one partner move to that country to live? what is stopping them...nothing but semantics on their part to me.......now that is just an opinion. Cause love finds a way--for most people.

I guess what I wrote didn't come out right....I mean "keep it to themselves" with all the protests and such demanding equal marriage under the eyes of God and such.......I am on a forum where there is a gay man and he and his partner in NJ had a civil union preformed. He chats about Carlos as his spouse, we all chat back and don't think twice about the "difference" of him being a "man and man" relationship.

I will never deny love to someone. Find it, keep it personal, but dont' expect it to be marriage under the eyes of nature.

Of course again just an opinion that I have. It is fine we chat back and forth about it. You want the issue to move all the way forward into marriage, I say live and let live, but I draw the line.

It will always just "be this way".


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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No Scotty, our gov't does not make laws by the bible. We are Republic with a democratic society(for the time being, anyway). We base our laws & votes by the majority rules. So this is not an issue for the gov't to decide. Oh yes,we are still a gov't of the people & by the people. So in that sense the gov't did decide! The problem as I see it is that a lot of people think the gov't needs to be more involved in our lives & I think they need to butt out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it is not just my Church that feels that way. Any Christian Church that is based on the fundamentals of the bible believes that. So the majority of them would not preform the so called "marriages". There would only be a very small few that do.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan

What's stopping them is immigration laws. Pretty darn near impossible to get a citizenship in the US these days, and not much easier in France.

Also, I hear you when you say "it will always just 'be this way'" but I'm hoping you're not right about that. I imagine this will go down kind of like how integration of African-Americans went down... a lot of resistance, a lot of fighting, and then slow but sure acceptance.

Glad we can share our opinions on this! Always interesting to see where other folks stand on such things.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan
Homesteadmom said:
No Scotty, our gov't does not make laws by the bible. We are Republic with a democratic society(for the time being, anyway). We base our laws & votes by the majority rules. So this is not an issue for the gov't to decide. Oh yes,we are still a gov't of the people & by the people. So in that sense the gov't did decide! The problem as I see it is that a lot of people think the gov't needs to be more involved in our lives & I think they need to butt out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think they need to butt out of our personal lives, definitely. Which, to me, means that if a loving couple wants to get married, who is the GOVERNMENT to say no they can't? We're a land of opportunity for everyone, not just for whom the government says so.

And we don't base our laws by the majority rule. We base them on the constitution, which often coincides with the majority rule. But the constitution is set up to protect the rights of the minorities, and also carry out the will of the majority. So, for instance, when women got the right to vote, the majority of Americans were against it. But the Supreme Court made it law, because no matter what the majority wanted, the rights of the minority are protected by the Constitution.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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when I said it will "always just be this way" I meant my opinion so I guess you wish my opinion would disappear and change...LOL...well this "opinion" will be taught to my daughter thru our church. So I am basically saying that there will always be controversy about this. Always be opinons about whether a person accepts or doesn't accept.

but then again, that controversary follows thru ON EVERYTHING in life doesn't it.

Hmm...take "people" out of the equation and life could be perfect..HA HA

Immigration laws? well don't the mexico people get citizenship by the thousands every day. hmm...I honestly think in 10 years that you mentioned, those 2 people would have been thru the necessary work and be done with it. To me, again, just an opinion, it is a convenient way to say we are being shafted. Laws can be tough, alot of people can easily overcome those. Well, not easily but are willing to do the "work" to achieve the result they wish.

Afro-Americans...hmm..don't get me started..HA HA HA


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 11, 2008
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I think they need to butt out of our personal lives, definitely. Which, to me, means that if a loving couple wants to get married, who is the GOVERNMENT to say no they can't? We're a land of opportunity for everyone, not just for whom the government says so.
I agree Scotty G.

I find no cheapening of my marriage by allowing the gay community to marry. However, it does hurt that my best friend can't marry his boyfriend. And it made me sad that when he commented at my wedding that he wished he could have the same experience one day. I've also seen him sad when one of our friends had her first baby, knowing he may never get to feel the joys of being a parent.

As a nation we can't pick and choose when to use God for our arguments. You can't say "Let's leave God out of Christmas it offends some people", but then say "God doesn't want gays to marry".


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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When we put things on the ballot for the people to decide that should be it. Just because it did not turn out the way the minority wanted it to, they should not be allowed to turn around & then. The people spoke, let it lie for awhile & try your luck again later on the ballot. To me it speaks volumes about how the people as a whole are not as liberal in their views as the "new gov't" wants the world to belive we are.

And as to the "African-Americans" they are black Americans if you want to get technical. This has long been a pet peeve of mine. They are only a African-American if they hold dual citizenship, if not then they are a American plain & simple just like me! This is not meant to offend any, I don't see the color of your skin as a way to define you. I hated all thru out the election how black voters & hispanic voters were singled out from whites in the polls. Who cares? We vote as an American not by the color of our skin, anyway I hope the majority did. But I am not sure of that this time around.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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FarmerChick said:
So I am basically saying that there will always be controversy about this. Always be opinons about whether a person accepts or doesn't accept.

but then again, that controversary follows thru ON EVERYTHING in life doesn't it.

Hmm...take "people" out of the equation and life could be perfect..HA HA
I really don't think of it much as an acceptance issue. I feel if that is what a person chooses(yes I believe it is a choice) then that is something they will have to answer to God for. I believe it is not my job to judge the choices they make. it is my job to show them Gods love & understanding. But I stand on the bible saying it is wrong. I do believe it is private issue also. Why be out there flaunting it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I may have not worded it right to you, but I agree with you.

do what you want on this earth...there is a higher judgement!!

acceptance is here on earth ... after? I know but will others?


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2008
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So. California
Quail_Antwerp said:
And I don't know why the minority should be allowed to decide what is right in this issue. So because the minority gay community wants to have the same rights as a heterosexual couple, we should just roll over and let them?
I think that sometimes the majority needs to think about the rights of the minority. Just because some black people wanted to be free, was the rest of the country just supposed to roll over and let them? You bet! Not only let them, but fight for their right to be free citizens. Like Scotty said, I know this isn't an arguement that will change anyone's mind, but I just don't see how people you don't know and will probably ever meet changes how valid or sacred your marriage is (talking in generalities here). That is just something I can't wrap my mind around. I think it was sad day for my state when it was voted to change our Constitution to deny people rights.
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