Lovin' The Homestead
I'm not going to join in this debate in any real way, because it would take up far too much of my time and energy, and it tends to be a very sensitive subject.
But I would like to make sure we distinguish evolution from the origin of the universe. It is true that nobody is certain that evolution caused the start of life. Theories abound in that department, and even hard scientists have been known to think it started with God.
But evolution itself, apart from the origin business, is not at all in dispute, and is not theory but fact. It has been observed in action many times, and is quite obvious to anyone studying the data:
For instance, human beings were about 10% resistant to the Bubonic Plague when it came around. The people who survived went on to reproduce, and now the human species has evolved to be mostly resistant to the plague.
Or, how about this one: taller men have generally been seen as more attractive, probably due to the primal instincts that women want men who will be able to defend, hunt, etc... Because of this, taller men have had more children (being more sexually desirable) than shorter men, and thus the gene pool has become more and more tall. You can see this even in the last 50 years, as the human species has evolved to be taller than it previously was.
In any case, there are billions more examples like that from the animal, plant, fungus, and bacterial kingdoms too. But I just want to make sure we don't mistake Evolution for a story about the creation of the world. Evolution is proven, observed, actual fact. The creation of life and the world... less known.
But I would like to make sure we distinguish evolution from the origin of the universe. It is true that nobody is certain that evolution caused the start of life. Theories abound in that department, and even hard scientists have been known to think it started with God.
But evolution itself, apart from the origin business, is not at all in dispute, and is not theory but fact. It has been observed in action many times, and is quite obvious to anyone studying the data:
For instance, human beings were about 10% resistant to the Bubonic Plague when it came around. The people who survived went on to reproduce, and now the human species has evolved to be mostly resistant to the plague.
Or, how about this one: taller men have generally been seen as more attractive, probably due to the primal instincts that women want men who will be able to defend, hunt, etc... Because of this, taller men have had more children (being more sexually desirable) than shorter men, and thus the gene pool has become more and more tall. You can see this even in the last 50 years, as the human species has evolved to be taller than it previously was.
In any case, there are billions more examples like that from the animal, plant, fungus, and bacterial kingdoms too. But I just want to make sure we don't mistake Evolution for a story about the creation of the world. Evolution is proven, observed, actual fact. The creation of life and the world... less known.