I think that is a REALLY great idea. Print up a copy of the National Poultry Improvement Plan and give him a taste of their OWN bureaucracy!! Have HIM sign something that states he has not been personally exposed to H1N1 virus or the Avian flu for x number of days. Plastic booties and disinfectant for SURE!Sunny said:I would be a pain back to him, when they come to inspect the property. I would let them know that you are a closed flock. To prevent diseases. Quiz him on the various diseases that they can carry to your property, from another property that they may have inspected that same day. Go to the hospital, get some of those paper booties. Get some disinfectant that kills the type of diseases that chickens carry. Spray his clothes with the spray and make them wear disposable plastic gloves and the booties. Make him realize you are on top of it and there is no worry about your chickens. And that you take cleanlyness of your chickens a number one priority.
The last inspector that came out here was the county building inspector. He was here for a final occupancy inspection on my new shed I built a couple of years ago, just before I had started the greenhouse. The only time he got nosy with me, was when he asked me why I had put the garage door and the man door on the side facing away from the street. I looked him right in the eye and told him I didn't care for people being nosy about what I had in the shed. He thought about it for a second, chuckled out loud, signed my paper and left without saying another word.Boogity said:But I have never met an inspector who didn't feel and act like they are superior beings and that you should tremble in fear of them.
That's my plan. My best friend is a private investigator. She said since he works for a government agency she can investigate the report and find out if someone reported me. I'm still a little anxious. I just don't like people telling me I'm doing something wrong because I almost always research and plan everything I do to the fullest before I do it. I hate to do something twice or end up with problems. This kind of thing drives me nuts! He's coming at 1:30 today. I'll report back when he leaves.TanksHill said:I agree.
My mother always taught me to "kill them with kindness". Besides if things need to be fixed you want him on your side. But I would fish around a bit and find out if he came because of a complaint from a neighbor. Then you will know the root of the problem.