Hunting Crazy
What. You, your from Maine aren't you?heatherv said:soda bottles.. or as us northern folk call 'em "pop bottles" have a 10cent deposit on them here.
but your moose are bigger.

What. You, your from Maine aren't you?heatherv said:soda bottles.. or as us northern folk call 'em "pop bottles" have a 10cent deposit on them here.
Great idea! Thanks for the tip!love blrw said:I use old bleach jugs for storing water.
Well why not? People say kleenex and xerox all the time, regardless of brand name and registered(TM)nccountrygirl said:Down south we call every kind of soft drink "Coke" don't know why we do but we do. My grandda called every refrigerator a "Kelvinator". Don't know why but he did.![]()
Water is the most important thing you can store for emergency preparedness. You have to have it.heatherv said:I know for emergency storage, they say you're supposed to have 1 Gallon of water per person for 3 days or something like that.
Well we have a family of 7 (not including critters) So how/where do I store that much water?
Our pipes froze up several times last winter, and we ran out of our bottled water quickly.
Any suggestions of a water storage system that can work? I've seen a big plastic tub thing (it was in the camping section at Walmart) for water storage. But how long will water last in those, to where it's suitable for drinking? This is my biggest fear if there's a real emergency. I know I'm not prepared when it comes to the water.