Power Conserver
In order to start my journal off on a good foot I feel like you need to get to know me, my family, and my little homestead...
My name is Mary. I'm in my mid 20's... I am a born and raised NH girl! I love everything about NH except black flies and mudseason... and mudseason isn't bad except my driveway is one-mile long, very muddy... and maintained solely by my husband and I... *Sign* For a couple weeks every years we ride our ATVs in and out so that we don't kill our vehicles. That sure is a lot of fun...
Anyway, everything else about NH is wonderful! I love the colors and smell of Fall in New England, making apple sauce and more apple pies than any family should eat, the cool crisp air and the smell of the woodstove buring for the first time in the fall.
I am married to my amazing husband Larry we have a little girl named Chloe who is three and a baby boy on the way... His due date is September 27th... And we are all so excited.
We live off the grid in Grafton, NH... waaaay out in the woods. The other "members of the family" on our little homestead are...
Jack - English Belgian Draft Horse (SO BIG)
Special - Miniature Buckskin Horse (Stallion)
Elvis - Miniature Paint Horse... Rescued from a kill pen...
Thunder & Lightning - Pygmy Goat Wethers... Silly little guys...
15 Assorted Laying Hens
4 Bunnies (Hamburger...Moo...Max & Ruby)
Dundee and Gabby - A Pair of Spotted Austrailian Ducks (Hence the Australian Names)
Buddy and Baby the house cats
Sam the "all bark" Black Lab
Sadly, I feel like I am missing a critter... Hmmm.... No, I guess that's it... for now *wink wink* I tend to collect the little critters... we started with just Jack...
So everyday we have lots of little chorse to tend to and I am so excited to be raising my daughter, and soon to be son, on a little farm. I lived on a farm for a few years as a kid and learned so much about rural life and was so happy, I couldn't imagine living any other way now...
My daughter, Chloe loves to help with little chores around the farm. We planted our gardens together, we build critter pens together, she helps collect eggs and loves to just sit and sing to the animals... Ah, a little farm baby. Makes me happy.
It's finally time to get the zucchini, summer squash, and cuckes in the garden... Oh I can't wait! This year we are also growing lots of greens (Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Lettuces), Green and Yellow Beans, carrots, beets, radishes, peas, too much rhubarb, and sweet corn! Yum-O! I've never been able to get corn to grow at our house... so we'll see!
I've been canning for a couple weeks now. I have a supplier to buy produce in bulk and split the yeild with my mother... The deal is: she buys the produce, I can it... and she gets a little under half the jars... Works for me! Finished up a 50# case of carrots last week... some of those carrots were as big as my lower arm! No kidding! I fed a few of those to Jack because they were just too darn big! Tonight I am going to be finishing up a case of peaches... They on the other hand were the smallest little peaches I've ever seen! It took peeling a million of them to get a canner load of pints ready to can! Last batch tonight!
Well if you're reading my post I guess that's enough info for now... I will post agin soon.
Make everyday what you want it to be...
My name is Mary. I'm in my mid 20's... I am a born and raised NH girl! I love everything about NH except black flies and mudseason... and mudseason isn't bad except my driveway is one-mile long, very muddy... and maintained solely by my husband and I... *Sign* For a couple weeks every years we ride our ATVs in and out so that we don't kill our vehicles. That sure is a lot of fun...
Anyway, everything else about NH is wonderful! I love the colors and smell of Fall in New England, making apple sauce and more apple pies than any family should eat, the cool crisp air and the smell of the woodstove buring for the first time in the fall.
I am married to my amazing husband Larry we have a little girl named Chloe who is three and a baby boy on the way... His due date is September 27th... And we are all so excited.
We live off the grid in Grafton, NH... waaaay out in the woods. The other "members of the family" on our little homestead are...
Jack - English Belgian Draft Horse (SO BIG)
Special - Miniature Buckskin Horse (Stallion)
Elvis - Miniature Paint Horse... Rescued from a kill pen...
Thunder & Lightning - Pygmy Goat Wethers... Silly little guys...
15 Assorted Laying Hens
4 Bunnies (Hamburger...Moo...Max & Ruby)
Dundee and Gabby - A Pair of Spotted Austrailian Ducks (Hence the Australian Names)
Buddy and Baby the house cats
Sam the "all bark" Black Lab
Sadly, I feel like I am missing a critter... Hmmm.... No, I guess that's it... for now *wink wink* I tend to collect the little critters... we started with just Jack...
So everyday we have lots of little chorse to tend to and I am so excited to be raising my daughter, and soon to be son, on a little farm. I lived on a farm for a few years as a kid and learned so much about rural life and was so happy, I couldn't imagine living any other way now...
My daughter, Chloe loves to help with little chores around the farm. We planted our gardens together, we build critter pens together, she helps collect eggs and loves to just sit and sing to the animals... Ah, a little farm baby. Makes me happy.
It's finally time to get the zucchini, summer squash, and cuckes in the garden... Oh I can't wait! This year we are also growing lots of greens (Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Lettuces), Green and Yellow Beans, carrots, beets, radishes, peas, too much rhubarb, and sweet corn! Yum-O! I've never been able to get corn to grow at our house... so we'll see!
I've been canning for a couple weeks now. I have a supplier to buy produce in bulk and split the yeild with my mother... The deal is: she buys the produce, I can it... and she gets a little under half the jars... Works for me! Finished up a 50# case of carrots last week... some of those carrots were as big as my lower arm! No kidding! I fed a few of those to Jack because they were just too darn big! Tonight I am going to be finishing up a case of peaches... They on the other hand were the smallest little peaches I've ever seen! It took peeling a million of them to get a canner load of pints ready to can! Last batch tonight!
Well if you're reading my post I guess that's enough info for now... I will post agin soon.
Make everyday what you want it to be...