after i studied abroad in college, i was on a student panel to help redesign the packets that students were given before they left. i kept saying that things needed to have multiple purposes to be really successful. one of the things they wanted to know was whether we thought it would be appropriate to put condoms in it. everyone was chuckling and saying yes all demurely. i was like "hell, yes! condoms are one of the most handy things you can have. i mean, you can light fires with them AND haul water in them! i mean, what's a little spermicide in your water if it keeps you alive." everyone looked at me like i was a raving lunatic. i realized i sounded like a raving lunatic and sheepishly said "i'm an anthropology major and i grew up on a farm." they all just nodded as if that explained it and tried not to stare at me.noobiechickenlady said:A pair of glasses, a magnifying glass or even a condom filled with water can be used to magnify sunrays to start a fire.
Yes, Indeed! Can't expect to get lost in the woods & pull one (whatever method you choose) out of your behind and start a fire.patandchickens said:The thing about the fire plow or any other way that does not involve very-specifically-manufactured technology, is that it takes a good bit of PRACTICE under ideal conditions to get so you can make it work. Even using flint and steel (found, not in a manufactured widget) falls into this category IMHO.
So rather than waiting til you NEED a fire, which is most often pretty far from ideal conditions <g>, if you think you might EVER want to do these things, it would be smart to devote some boring winter days to practicing/learning them now![]()