Mountain Sage
So sorry, Ann!reinbeau said:My husband turned 50 in August. He has been anxious to have that big test that everyone needs to have once they turn 50, a colonoscopy - yea, I know, not a nice subject, but his brother had polyps removed in his mid-40's and Greg really wanted to be sure he didn't have any. Well, he did, and one was very large. The doctor told him yesterday, after the procedure, that pathology had to give a report, but you could tell by his words that he already knew. It's called Adenocarcinoma, and it is the most common form of colon cancer. It forms from polyps. The doctor told Greg he was very lucky, he feels it's contained within that polyp and hasn't spread yet, however, to be certain, they're going to go in and do a bowel resection, remove that portion and reattach everything. No bag (at least so far, and the doctor doesn't think it will be necessary).
This is particularly awful for me because my father died of colon cancer in 1997 at the age of 65. The difference is Greg has found it extremely early; if he'd waited another year he would have had a fight on his hands. They had said back when my father got sick that if he'd gone for the colonoscopy the doctor wanted him to go for he would have had a full recovery, too, with no bag or anything. Unfortunately my father was a stubborn (yet wonderful!) man who lived to work. Well, that attitude killed him.
Do yourselves a favor. Go have this test. I've had two now, and will have to have one every five years for the rest of my life, as I had polyps removed from the same area where my father had them. Mine hadn't gone bad, yet, thankfully. And I am also thankful Greg was so adamant about getting tested. Hopefully the doctor is right, and when they go in they just take out what they need to and it's over. I love him so much and can't imagine going on without him!