What are ten things you would want to have with you when the SHTF?

Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
1. Bible
2. 120 of my closest friends (the congregation I attend for 26+ years) who would share their last morsel with me if I needed help.
3. Scissors, rotary cutters, etc.,1000s pins, safety pins, about 1000 sewing needles.
4. Measuring tape, rulers, etc.
5. Lots and lots of thread, string, yarn.
6. Fabrics of all colors and kinds.
7. Quilt battings in cotton and wool.
8. Sewing machine if possible (non-electric)
9. Crochet needles, knitting needles.
10. Lots of warm blankets and quilts.

My friends and I have been looking forward to this for a long time. I would like to use the skills I have to help people with altering and repairing our clothing , ( we will all be much thinner lol) and providing warm quilts and blankets for comfort, especially for the children. I could make a teddy bear or two also. This is of course to pass the time and be productive.

I will of course have prepared for this materially ( I have enough for a couple of weeks or more at my home, I will be ramping this up this summer becuse it looks like its getting close) There is a natural artesian spring a few steps from my back door, I heat with wood and cook with propane and sometimes wood, I have lived off grid before I know how to do it, and raised chickens, goats, horses, ponies, etc., etc. The care of these precious little ones can become a hinderance to survival, people died to protect their pets, and possesions, during Katrina, I do not and never will have a gun in my home, I would never shoot you for any reason, I would starve to death first,( See Matt 28: 52) but I may not have access to my home, I could end up in some kind of detainment or refugee camp for speaking the word of God. In case this happens please help yourself.

In any case I know I will be provided for. See Matthew 6:25-34


Magical Homesteader
Jun 17, 2010
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Otis, Oregon
My 10 Must-haves for when TheSHTF:
This does not include people, at all. I am assuming my family (almost all of whom live within 2 miles) will be with me at that time (fingers crossed!).
I am the only committed homesteader in our family, but all of them have skills to hone, should a new lifestyle make itself necessary.

1. Rifle and plenty of ammo
2. My good knife, and whetstone
3. My chickens and honeybees
4. tools- hammer, nails, saw
5. a good shovel
6. my axe
7. fishing gear
8. seeds of food and medicinal plants
9. My cast iron cauldron
10. flint and steel

I would miss my books, coffee and toilet paper, but it is the 'end of the world' and all... I am fortunate to live in a temperate climate where a lot of food grows wild in our forests, in our tidepools and ocean inlets, and rivers, so food will be there for the taking, for those of us who know how. In our climate at the coast, tho, I probably should have added a gross of tarps! It almost never stops raining!!!

good thread idea!

Brightest Blessings


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Many of these we currently have, but worth adding because they can definitely help in times of need.. so basically similar to what others have in their lists;

1. Livestock (goats & chickens are the main ones that come to mind)
2. Surrounding woodland (wildlife, plant life, resources.. I believe you can always look to nature for help)
3. Tools.. Hammer, axe, saw, etc. (items that could help in building shelter)
4. Weapons & ammo, a bow, arrows, etc.
5. Cooking utensils
6. Seeds
7. Ethnobotany/Herbal Medicine books.. I know a lot but can always learn more
8. Weather suitable clothing.. self explanatory.
9. Emergency supplies (gas mask, bandages, flare & similar items)
10. A bunker


Doubled and twisted
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
The only thing I would need is some zombicide and of course the addresses of all who are hoarding the mead.

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