What are you all doing to prepare for winter?


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Aww, @baymule , it's only 7 months of winter! 😂

sometimes it hardly seems like winter at all compared to what i'm used to from up north, but hey, it's all ok, i do really like the change of the seasons and being able to take a bit of a break for a few months. :) i'm sure i'd be healthier if i lived someplace i could garden all year round, but there aren't many places like that i'd actually want to move to.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I'm doing precious little. I'm lucky if I get outside for an hour/day. Still have potatoes to harvest. Hubby has been working on a CP duck house. Framework is done. We picked up the tarp covering today, and 1/2" hdw cloth was delivered a couple days ago. Hope to get it done by the end of this week, and get the ducks moved. We're not burning wood this season b/c my Dad needs consistent heat. Might do a few smudges to keep the living room warm during the day, then have the furnace take over for afternoon/evening/and night. Still 12 cockerels to process. Selling off a few of my older hens.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
today was fun. it started off warm and not raining for a while so we scrambled to get the garden hoses brought in. it is much easier to do when it is warm. but there is a rule of putting up garden hoses that even if you blow all the water out you will still manage to dump water on your shoes at least once.

we'd just finished with that and Mom had wrapped up the bird baths for the winter when the rains returned in force.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
DH bought a new motor for the wood splitter and installed it yesterday. I'm relieved! The old motor was repeatedly broken and rigged together - an explosion waiting to happen if you ask me. DH hopes it is quieter.

DH prefers to split wood in spring and fall. Its freezing and snowy here but we're going to split wood today. We are behind on wood splitting and only have 1 "basement full". Sorry, I dont know how much it is! I know we could use 3x to 5x more during a very cold long winter. I like to have 2 winters worth of split wood in the pole shed all the time. One of those security things. If DH keels over dead, it would be great to be able to heat the house while sorting everything out. I cant imagine being able to run the farm alone with my health problems (which prevent me from being able to use a tractor, heck I cant remember how to use a riding mower)

I dont want to work on wood today! 😅 I bought new boots yesterday. I was going to get them for DS13, but his feet are getting close enough to mine (and growing so fast!!!!) that I bought my size so I could have them when he outgrows them. By the time I got home, I decided to keep them. He gets my barn boots that need waterproofing and an insole. He wears them more than I do anyway! 😂

This is the year DS13 needs all new winter gear. I buy winter gear large so kids can wear it for 2 years, and alternate years to spread out the cost. Kids and I need gloves and mittens this year. I need a hat, but I have everything I need to sew it myself. ... I should do that now before DH gets up and wants to start wood!