Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
WOW -- whoda thunk? 
We all know Parkersburg!
I luv how we now live "off-grid" and then, you just lived normal. You hardly new there was a "grid". Kero lights work, I still have some but keep a less aromatic oil to burn when needed.
Those apples reminded me of a gnarly old tree in grandmas front yard that had tasty fruit. They sliced them, strung up on some heavy thread and dried by air/sun. Yum. Wild strawberries & blueberries, hickory nuts....and red clay! I didn't think it was a hard life but, not there full time & now see just how hard their everyday life was, overall. Like you beekissed, they were ready for winter, snow ins, etc., all the time -- had to be!

We all know Parkersburg!
I luv how we now live "off-grid" and then, you just lived normal. You hardly new there was a "grid". Kero lights work, I still have some but keep a less aromatic oil to burn when needed.
Those apples reminded me of a gnarly old tree in grandmas front yard that had tasty fruit. They sliced them, strung up on some heavy thread and dried by air/sun. Yum. Wild strawberries & blueberries, hickory nuts....and red clay! I didn't think it was a hard life but, not there full time & now see just how hard their everyday life was, overall. Like you beekissed, they were ready for winter, snow ins, etc., all the time -- had to be!