Mountain Sage
I'm afraid I'm with @Beekissed here. I love snow! But then we're not used to it, so it's exiting for us. I think the novelty will wear off over the next few years though.
And I want it for the opposite reason...because I'm used to snow and miss it when it doesn't happen. I like my seasons to hold their normal amount of precipitation and normal weather patterns, though I know that this is going to be harder and harder to experience during these times of changing weather patterns on the Earth.
Something within me feels a little restless and unsettled when the normal doesn't happen...gets me out of sync with the seasons in some way. To me, snow is just incredibly beautiful and it provides so many minerals to the soil, that I value it more than most would who live in a snowy place. Some want the first snow and then tire of it very quickly, but I tend to find each snow holds its own beauty and etches different scenes upon the land.
All of it shows the perfect artistry of God and so I revel in it and praise Him for it.