Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
8 pints veg soup -- heavy on tomatoes
-- in canner now.
I did a couple more canners of qt tomaoes, more tomato sauce, some spaghetti sauce. Also chopped and froze a few qt & gal size bags of diced peppers, peppers & them ready when I am!
Dehydrating figs now, also. In a few hrs I can remove some and replace with more. Love those things! More being harvested for Tues pick up.
Chickens are starting to run away if I approach with anything "red"....Oh, no, more tomatoes! Run! Need a pig right now. LOL
I did a couple more canners of qt tomaoes, more tomato sauce, some spaghetti sauce. Also chopped and froze a few qt & gal size bags of diced peppers, peppers & them ready when I am!
Dehydrating figs now, also. In a few hrs I can remove some and replace with more. Love those things! More being harvested for Tues pick up.
Chickens are starting to run away if I approach with anything "red"....Oh, no, more tomatoes! Run! Need a pig right now. LOL