Sustainability Master
Sale priced $1.27lb pork loins. Chunks in the canner now.
Okay, out of curiosity. How do y’all just can leftovers? Do you just pressure can or what? Before I started canning I was very thoroughly warned to follow recipes and exact times or risk death. Which sounds extreme now that I type it. But, seriously, how do you know how much time, what pressure, and what is safe to can?
I follow the Ball Canning books. The only thing I know that can't be home canned is pumpkinOkay, out of curiosity. How do y’all just can leftovers? Do you just pressure can or what? Before I started canning I was very thoroughly warned to follow recipes and exact times or risk death. Which sounds extreme now that I type it. But, seriously, how do you know how much time, what pressure, and what is safe to can?
I've done that before too. I'm out of freezer space... As soon as I get this sale meat canned - I'll need to start canning stuff out of the freezer - so I'll have more room for sale meat, lol!Mom freezes soup leftovers. Put them in freezer ziplock baggy.