Lovin' The Homestead

Hey @thefunnyfarm, hope you enjoy this site as much as I do,and yes these are a great bunch of people, with like minded thinking and much knowledge.
Iam sure you will be a welcome addition.
Hi!! Here is a link to freemotion's canned boiled peanuts: (She lacto ferments/soaks them first.)@thefunnyfarm said:I have a question for you guys, I have heard some say they were canning boiled peanuts. I sell boiled peanuts so i make huge batches like 40 qt pots full at time and have never thought about canning them. So I was wanting to know how do you can the finished fully boiled product or could you so you could just open and eat and if so could you use the seasoned water in the jars? we sell cajun and reg and cajun season cost more to make and would love to save that liquid.
Thanks in advance