ohiofarmgirl, If you don't have the manual, you can probably find it online. I got my dehydrator at a trash and treasure sale at the church for $2. It is an older Ronco 5 tray without fan. I found the manual online, and that was a big help. This is what I found online.....
Remove stems. To remove skin, dip briefly in boiling water then
peel. Cut in halves or slices.
Dryness Test: Leathery
For 5-7 Tray with no fan - Length of Time:
1 1/2 to 3 days (dry a max of 3 trays at a time)
For 10 Tray with fan - Length of Time:
10 hours
I love home-dried tomatoes in the mid of winter - I'm sure you will too!
and great tip about finding the manual on line. this poor thing has been sitting in the garage so we'll see how it works. its a 'with fan' type so i'll get my 'maters and fire it up
I'm slicing some of my eggplant into thin pasta like shreds & drying them. Basically, I take the slicer & run them lengthwise against it, cutting fairly thick, maybe 1/2". Then I stack the thick slices back into an eggplant shape & adjust the slicer for paper thin. I run the stacked slices back through & end up with 1/2" wide, paper thin ribbons of eggplant. I soaked them in a lemon juice solution to prevent darkening. Then I blanched the ribbons & stuck them in the dehydrator.