Super Self-Sufficient

Ooo, I wouldn't ferment spaghetti sauce....it will taste like salsa. I made a batch of "salsa" with Italian herbs....it was great, but like salsa and pickles, the fermenting creates a sour taste. So, at least for me, that wouldn't work as a pasta sauce. Unless this is something I haven't heard of or tasted?MsPony said:Spaghetti sauce, I love it. Now, I prefer cooked veggies in it, so I ferment it after cooking to yield best gastro results, right?
1. If you'd like. I prefer glass, so I use canning jars or gallon glass jars. Some use crocks from crock pots, sometimes found without the base at Goodwill, tag sales, etc.chicken stalker said:Holy Cow....I had a cuc explosion overnight in the garden! Boy they are fast buggers.
Couple questions at fermenting pickles.
1. Can I use a food grade bucket?
2. Can I slice them or do they have to remain whole?
ohh and what's with the grape leaf...to keep them crisp right? During fermentation?
You go, girl! I haven't tried pepper yet....I picked some cukes and dill tonight, and will start a batch tomorrow. I think I'll add some pepper.big brown horse said:I've got a whole crock full of cukes fermenting with dill, garlic, crushed red pepper, mustard seeds and pink peppercorns.