Food Guru
Holachicka, that sounds like a great recipe, go for it!
KG, I bet those beans will be wonderful.
KG, I bet those beans will be wonderful.
FD - something like this? or said:It's been hot here too. All of 85 degreesWe all felt hot, yet it is nothing compared to prior years of over 100 temps. I even put the sprinkler on for the chickens yesterday !!!
I am fermenting grains in order to make some bread. I'll be experimenting. SO is finally liking whole wheat bread, you know the kind that is pretty much like wonder bread, but made with supposedly whole wheat.
So I read NT last night to get the scoop on grains, seeds and breads. I had already put the grains and seeds in jars with water to soak them. Then I decided to do the same with the rolled oats I like to add to my bread. This morning I added whey to the grains so as to start fermenting them. I plan on making normal white bread dough with some freshly ground wheat added (for SO) then I'll reserve some of the dough and add my grains and seeds to it and make bread for me. I really need to eat whole grain bread or I notice a change in my metabolism including my digestion. Eventually I hope to be making whole grain soudough bread. I want to immitate the real whole grain pumpernickel bread. I think it is steamed.
In the meantime, I'll have fun experimenting.
ORChick said:FD - something like this? or
I haven't tried either yet, but I plan to soon. Now that I have a grain grinder I should be able to get the proper consistency in the grains.
Sorry - they are in German, but if anyone wants a translation I'm willing to give it a go. That may, indeed, be the incentive for me to actually bake the breads.