Lovin' The Homestead
I bought a small plug in thingy that you can put in your car and use it to plug in your freezer(dc to ac adapter) silly me I got one too small for my freezer so had to buy a big one. (the small one runs my laptop tho and I can charge my kindle with it if needed) it direct ties to the battery in my durango and it will run the freezer. I don't plan on keeping my food frozen for ever in case of "the big one" but just long enuf for me to get all the foods in there either canned or eaten or even sent thru the dehydrator which will also run on it. The dehydrator is not the best thing to use during power outage but I do wanna make a solar one..rhoda_bruce said:I totally understand. Feel the same. About a year ago, I determined that we really didn't need a tv room, but we did need a pantry room....not a pantry cupboard. So out went the tv, along with all its attachments and in came a bunch of metal shelving units, my grandmother's old table, all my wine making and canning supplies and I began buying in bulk.
Okay, now it costed a lot to buy all that food, but what I wanted to do was slowly fill all the masons until I no longer had room for the store bought stuff and when I was out of it, it would be Okay because they would have been replaced with our own home canned food.
Then my grandparents both died and not only did I have my 26 years worth of masons, but I inherited all of her's, which easily doubled my jars. You can bet I began filling them.
Sometimes I work my tail off and putting food up takes me a good while. There are those who might wander why I bother. I sometimes ask myself that too, esp when the amount of time, work and fatigue, don't seem to cancel out the $ value. But those jars take up just as much room, weather they are filled or empty, so they might as well have food in them. My freezer is full, but if the power is shut off, I have only so long before I have to eat all of its contents, can it or run by generator....but again, how long will I use the generator??? IDK.
Slaughtering.......I've have seen people get chickens straight run, plan on killing their extra roos and not. Makes no sense to me. There goes all your profits. All your hens are being over harassed. The roos are getting mean and your coop isn't a safe place to just walk into. I refuse to have set all this up and not turn a profit. I need 1 roo in each of my projects.....thats it. I need one gander with my goose. I need one drake with my 6 ducks....no more. I do need meat on my table sometimes. It only makes sense that I slaughter my unwanted male birds and eat them. I know I'm eating healthy animals. I know they were killed as kindly as possible and properly bled. I know no one washed them down in bleach. I know they weren't pumped full of antibiotics or steroids. Its not my favorite chore, but once I tend to the chore, I can sit back and watch, while my females get first pick on the grain, which somehow lasts much longer and you can bet my grocery bill will be decreased too.
I have 5 children of my own and I somehow have extra children on the place at all times, which just seem to want to watch my every move. They all know something about where our food comes from. My children must help me with the chores. They are learning how to take care of themselves. You never know....they might have to take care of themselves one day. For all I know, maybe I'll have to take care of myself. Have to, not choose to. I'm glad to come from people who had these skills.