What are your go-to tips for making the most of your harvest each season?


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
It's nice to have extra to share -- especially if the folks appreciate the gifts. I've had neighbors who not only appreciated but truly needed the extras. So I share with people, trade with friends when we have a crop not produce or only want "a few". And I have animals that are always willing to share the bounty. I even grow some things just for them.

If there's a bountiful crop, share with those who can no longer garden. 😌 Or sell some to buy seed.
I think I like sharing or giving away our veggies the most of all. Caution... if you visit over summer and fall. I have grocery bags and i'm not afraid to fill them and put in your vehicle when you are not looking.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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What I notice is as long as I make sure to buy at least one copy of the farmer’s almanac and put it in a conspicuous place that DH will study it. He consults with it frequently and actually pays attention to the moon cycles. He has several locals who call him for advice on when to plant root crops or when to set eggs, etc. so I find it’s money well spent.
It gives him motivation and if there is any science behind the almanac plans, then great!!
I suppose for myself lately, I have been just trying to cook and eat out of the freezer to make sure the vegetables, seafood, wild game and farm animals aren’t wasted and to make room for more food as time passes.
We still have so many seeds from when Tractor Supply was giving away everything so it’s to make sure it’s put in the ground now. We have given a lot of that away.