old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
Even though there's still 2 weeks before hatch date and we don't even know if they are fertile, it's still good info to know. It dawned on me last night about food for them. We have some organic feed grains and layer crumbles but chicks have other nutrient needs than full grown chickens. I'm wondering if I really need to get 'chick starter' or just let them peck/forage alongside Momma as nature would intend? If I did give 'chick starter', how do I keep Momma from it or is it okay for her too? If we had more land I'd just let them forage, but with only a backyard, I'm not so sure it would be enough 
As for killing/culling, I've never done that before myself but have seen it done. As in grabbing the chicken by the neck and giving it a whirl to break its neck. They then would wrap hot towels (not sure if just moist or soaked???) and start plucking feathers. After cutting off the feet & head, where would I cut to degut it? And isn't there something you shouldn't cut into that would ruin the rest of the carcass? If so, what is it & where is it?
Can you tell I'm about fed up with Misty and Arnie? One for eggeating and because I think they'd kill any chicks. They are just plain mean. Even the dog keeps his distance from them two.

As for killing/culling, I've never done that before myself but have seen it done. As in grabbing the chicken by the neck and giving it a whirl to break its neck. They then would wrap hot towels (not sure if just moist or soaked???) and start plucking feathers. After cutting off the feet & head, where would I cut to degut it? And isn't there something you shouldn't cut into that would ruin the rest of the carcass? If so, what is it & where is it?
Can you tell I'm about fed up with Misty and Arnie? One for eggeating and because I think they'd kill any chicks. They are just plain mean. Even the dog keeps his distance from them two.