What Can I Make With Dandelions?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I made the jelly!! :weee I made the jelly!! :weee And it is so GOOD!! :drool It tastes like raw, dark honey. We tried some on toast tonight at supper. It was awesome. And to think, these are weeds in my garden. I picked 390 flowers this morning in my garden. To pull the petals, I rolled the end of the green calyx where it grows out of the stem between my thumb and forefinger to loosen the petals. They came out much easier. I have been spreading them to dry to make tea, which is very tasty.

I used this recipe for the jelly.

Dandelion Jelly makes about 5-8 oz. jars

4 c. dandelion flower petals, green bits removed
4 c. water

1. Place the dandelion flower petals in a pot and add the water, bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Simmer 10 minutes, then turn off heat and allow the pot to cool.
2. Use a jelly bag or coffee filter to strain the flowers out of the water, you need 3 c. of dandelion infusion, but may have some extra.

3c. dandelion infusion
1 T lemon juice
1 box Sure-Jell powdered pectin
4 1/2 c. sugar

3. Place dandelion infusion, lemon juice, and pectin powder in a large pot. Whisk together and bring this mixture to a rolling boil.
4. Add all of the sugar at once, stirring constantly, and return the mixture to a rolling boil. Boil 1 minute.
5. Remove the jelly from the heat, skim the foam from the top and ladle into sterilised hot jars. Cover, and process in a water bath 10 minutes.
