What can we do?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Dear Diary....

That's what MY journal is for me. I can NOT tell you how many times I have gone back through my journal to find dates when things happened. I enjoy conversation with other folks who might have a response to something I've said...a suggestion.. a shoulder in some instances...

@Mini Horses is right. When folks respond to a posting it's like having a conversation with someone. I don't mind at all if my journal takes a turn because of what someone said about something. I never feel like folks are butting in. Many times they have good suggestions.

It may be boring for some folks... I have one of those boring lives, lol! I don't do daily posts many times because not much has happened in my life. Other times I might post several times a day... just because, lol.

I don't 'do' facebook either.

That's just it. For many, the journal is kind of like a letter to a bunch of pen pals. You're keeping them posted on what's going on in your life and hope they'll respond. I know I've posted pics of things that I worked on-and had no one respond. That was very discouraging, especially since someone else posted pics the same day and got all kinds of responses.

I've read post from people that were extremely discouraged because, other than myself, no one was responding to their journals. They basically felt that what they were posting wasn't important to people. And those that had almost no response ended up leaving. Responding to a journal gives some people the validation that they're looking for. If they're hurting, they want to know that there are people out there who care.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
I don't really read or participate in the journals. I see a forum as discussion site where people can hold conversations. Journals don't lend themselves well to that purpose and may be a factor in holding this site back from blossoming.
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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I agree...and I was one of the first to start a journal. The journals really started out as a way to document one's progress and also as a place of safety. At the time there were people who wanted to attack every idea on the regular threads, so placing it on one's journal seemed to protect one's posts somewhat.

That spirit still lurks here, so I avoid posting too many ideas on homesteading, be it on the journal or not. It just gets old trying to have a conversation when folks want to pick a fight all the time. I don't care much for drama.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
Granted, I have only been a member for 3 months, but I have not seen the attack spirit that you mention still lurks here, only people talking about it in the past and not moving on from it. People who attack should be moderated, suspended or banned by the admin or moderator(s) in a properly run forum. These offenders need to see that they can either abide by the rules or they will be sanctioned or shown the door. If that is done, others shouldn't have any fear of expressing their opinions.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Journals vary, depending on the writer, as we know. Some topics bring more activity and that is mostly dependent on who was reading that day.

Personally, there are some of us on here that are "older than dirt" and can offer ideas that may be helpful, may not. I like to hear what the person asking for a "solution" ended up doing.

Our responses are sometimes made on the run and may not be typed with the actual emotional intent we would want, falling short of our true nature. New people to site may want to hang on longer if they feel they were not "heard" because it often takes a while for things to settle around their thoughts, questions, etc.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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My thoughts, after reading this discussion… first of all maybe I should stop "lurking" and post a bit more on the journal threads, which I quite enjoy following. I think they are great contributions to this community, as they dig into the nitty gritty of homesteading and the day-by-day stuff, which is awesome.

The conflict and fighting, I recall one incident, which got sorted, I believe there were more in the past. There was unhappiness, many people sadly left. I have spoken to some of them and respect their wishes and feelings. I'm open-minded when moderating. I respect different people have different views and see and do things differently and we're not all going to agree on everything always. I just want everyone to keep this in mind, respect each other and IF something comes up and there is disagreements, to either agree to disagree and walk away, or just walk away. If needed I will intervene, so don't anyone feel unsure about sharing things, saying things, feeling they will get attacked for it.

From my side, I think we have a great community here and I genuine like each and every one of our small group of regulars that post here and I really enjoy your contributions.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2016
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not here
I have to disagree that the journals are "great" contributions since they are not in the spirit of what is the definition of a forum...." a discussion site where people can hold conversations." By definition, a journal is something that is more of a private writing, like a diary.The "nitty gritty" would be much better served in an open forum, and would probably draw more discussion from members from what I have seen on this and other forums. This is the only forum I have ever run across that allows "journals" and this forum seems to have a problem attracting and keeping "active" members...long term members...and, particularly male members. I really believe there is a correlation here, but most journal members seem to want to "defend" their journals. Perhaps I would be of the same mind if I spent so much time writing in my own journal, and I can't fault them, but I think these folks are particularly biased after all the effort they have put into their journals. I would probably be too if I had a journal of hundreds or thousands of entries that I thought, or more likely hoped, was of interest to everyone.

And, no one should ever walk away if being attacked on a forum. That is when the admin or moderator must step in. If they don't, the forum does not deserve to thrive since those running it don't really know or appreciate their role, and the forum will suffer.

If what you really want is just a small group of regulars who post niceties, then you have it. If what you want is a vibrant forum with many homesteading ideas and contributions so we can all learn, be challenged and exchange significant ideas, there is a lot of work to be done here.

I don't mean to step on anyone's toes, but as someone who is rather new here, I have a fresh look, and there is a real forum problem when you have almost 6k members and 14k+ messages, and the same handful are the only ones posting on a regular basis...and most of that is in laughs, quotes and journals. I even found myself posting in laughs and quotes lately, and then realized...what does this have to do with homesteading?

Am I the only one who sees this? This forum is basically comprised of a dozen or so active members who stroke one another. No insult intended, but I am really amazed at how some members view this forum as a healthy or really vibrant homesteading forum. It really is more of a homesteading coffee clutch.

Once again, I mean no insults, but I am a member at a few homesteading forums. This one pales in comparison.

You can disagree with what I say, refute what I say, deny what I say, argue with what I say, or work at raising the level of this forum. More active members need to be actively sought, and things like laughs, quotes and journals need to take a back seat, otherwise, IMO, this forum will continue as is. And, if you are fine with that...hey, that's OK, too. But I am not. I came here to learn, be challenged and share. So far, I have been disappointed, and it looks like the great majority of the almost 6k members share my thoughts and feelings since they no longer post.