What cirriculum do you use in Homeschooling?


Power Conserver
Feb 28, 2009
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I sent my brother an email with the links. He says thanks and you guys are awesome!

Kristy in WA

Sustainable Newbie
Mar 14, 2009
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I think I have to consider myself a homeschool curriculum junkie because I think I've tried almost everything except for Abeka and BJU, the video type homeschooling programs.

We have just completed our 2nd year of Ace School of Tomorrow, which went very well, but I was ready for something different. My college degree is in elementary education and I was just really having a hard time not being involved with my kids' schooling. Ace is so self taught that I really wasn't part of a lot of it besides "get back to your desk and get your schoolwork done".

It was time for a change here! I had used Sonlight before and loved it, but our lifestyle was so different then, with us on the go all the time, dashing here and there in the car, and I had a hard time getting the books read. But now, I"m home, living this totally different and simple lifestyle, and it was time for some cozy reading on the couch!!

I have never been happier with homeschool. This is what we are currently doing:

Math--Teaching Textbooks...I LOVE this program and so do my kids! They willingly do math every day now and I am not involved besides looking over their completed work on the computer (it's ok that I'm not involved in 1 subject, I just didn't like it being ALL subjects).

English--PACEs...still using the English from School of Tomorrow.

Spelling--A Reason for Spelling...this is my kids' favorite spelling.

Literature--Readers from Sonlight and they answer all discussion questions in writing.

Science--Apologia General Science for ds14, and Zoology I for dd12 & ds8...I can't say enough about how much we ALL love science now!!!

Social Studies--Sonlight Core 100 & Core 3...Loving this too!

Handwriting--Handwriting Without Tears...Can't say enough good about this program either!! My two oldest are almost done with book 5, and then they will do Mavis Beacon Typing on the computer.

Since we are studying American History (Core 100 & Core 3) and Birds (Zoology I), I decided this was the year to get some chickens! We are anticipating the arrival of 16 chicks on April 8th. I love tying real life into learning, so having these chickens is going to swirl history and science together in a very meaningful way.

I have no more complaining about doing school these days. My children are ds14, dd12, and ds8. We have homeschooled from the beginning! Kristy


Power Conserver
Feb 10, 2009
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We will be using the Pearblossom Private School program.
We will be getting the k set in the next few months. DD is 3 yrs, 4 months. Their K program is good for 3.5 and older, so we'll be getting started soon.
I personally know many families that use this program with great results.
Pearblossom is Fully and Nationally Accredited. I am really looking forward to the instant online access they provide.
My DD is SUPER excited about reading, today she told me she figured out how to spell cucumber....."it's a 'Q' with a 'cumber' after it!" HARHAR!!!


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Welcome ladies!!! Always happy for more hs's to join us. So many lessons in everyday life to teach our children.
Don't forget the vast amt of freebies on the net to print out.


Sustainable Newbie
Mar 23, 2010
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Hello, I am new to to this forum (I have been on BYC for almost 7 years though). We are home schooling a 10 year old boy (high functioning Autistic) and our 8 year daughter who is a sponge and absorbs everything she hears. My wife uses general cirricula from borders for math and english. For art she allows the children to pick which artist they want to study. I teach science, history and social studies as well as some of the life studies stuff they need to learn (cooking, gardening, ect.) I use and unschooling/eclectic approach to teaching. I find that for my son this style fits his learning abilities and for my daughter it offers more flexibility in what and when she learns something.

I have discovered that my children are so much smarter than I was at their age. My daughter at 8 years old has so much more gumption than I ever did. She is raising bees this year (with my help or course). I mean what 8 year old will go toward bees rather than away.
There are times that homeschooling is very trying and frustrating, but the times that they shine make it all worth it.



Power Conserver
Jul 12, 2008
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Amarillo, TX
How funny! I started this thread nearly 2 years ago....no here I am back for information.


Power Conserver
Jul 12, 2008
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Amarillo, TX
At this point, we are looking at Sonlight for everything excluding Bible. My dh is a cradle Catholic, so we must stay with that, so plan to do Catholic Heritage for religion.

I am planning to add in a little extra, too. I have seen reviews/posts from Ree/The Pioneer Woman about "The Story of the World" for history. It's something I would like to do, alongside my dd in addition to the history with Sonlight. I hope it won't be "too much" for dd, but I don't want to exclude too much from the Sonlight program. I've heard nothing but praise for it.


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 22, 2009
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amyquilt said:
At this point, we are looking at Sonlight for everything excluding Bible. My dh is a cradle Catholic, so we must stay with that, so plan to do Catholic Heritage for religion.

I am planning to add in a little extra, too. I have seen reviews/posts from Ree/The Pioneer Woman about "The Story of the World" for history. It's something I would like to do, alongside my dd in addition to the history with Sonlight. I hope it won't be "too much" for dd, but I don't want to exclude too much from the Sonlight program. I've heard nothing but praise for it.
Hi there!

We, too, homeschool with Sonlight and I have been using Story of the World for the past year and a half. I really prefer having the Sonlight readers and read alouds as extras to the history lessons. Many times the additional reading suggestions in SOWT include the Sonlight material. I just find it a bit more cohesive and logical with the SOTW as the historical "foundation" and the readers as the icing on the cake for a piece of what real life would be like at that point in history. We don't usually do many of the additional projects in SOTW, but they are great additions if you have the time.

In using the SOTW, we will be doing 4 years of world history, 2 years of American History, 4 more years of world history, and then civics and other stuff that are bits and pieces of Sonlight. We won't be sticking with the Sonlight schedule, but I'm making up my own schedule using Sonlight read alouds and SOTW book suggestions. Kind of crazy, but I think it works for us.

Just as an aside, do you use the Sonlight science and if so, what do you think about it? What core are you using?

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