Not much! Planted some Rouge Vif Detampes pumpkins~only two, like last year, as these vines can take over a garden completely. It's lovely and they don't hurt any other plants but they are like Audrey II when it comes to spreading out and climbing fences.
Also planted some Crimson sweet watermelons...just 4, as watermelon tends to not do well in my clay soils.
Planted another tray of lettuce, Cos Romaine, Jericho and then a little spinach. These will go out in the tunnel when sprouted enough. I want to have succession plantings of lettuce going all spring and summer, with a winter crop all ready to harvest all winter long.
I soaked some bean seed and am letting them sprout before planting. I thought I was getting 2 packages of Kentucky Wonder pole beans but when I dumped them in the glass of water I knew something wasn't right. It turns out one is Kentucky Wonder and one is Kentucky Blue pole bean. I will separate them when I plant so I can tell which one does better.
Has anyone tried Kentucky Blue before? May I will have a new favorite. I'll be glad to have green beans no matter. I have planted pintos and picked as green beans and they are really yummy. I did have to string them but I kind of enjoy sitting around and string beans. I some people don't or don't have the time. I still think I may plant some anyway because they are seriously good tasting snap beans for those who've never tried them.
Never heard of Kentucky blue but the Kentucky wonder beans are awesome. They do amazing with cruddy soil, little water and mild neglect ask me how I know lol
DH and I covered the tomato and cucumber plants. We have frost advisory, forecasted low 35 - 39 depending on who you ask. The green grass clipping mulch is still warm and piled up in an 8" tall ring around the plants with a sheet or blanket on top. I think they're going to be okay!
I hope our apple tree is okay! We haven't had apples for 2 years in a row because of late frost while it was in bloom. It's blooming now...
Sent Sumi some pumpkin seeds today....shoulda seen the confusion at the Post Office over an envelope of seeds being sent to Ireland! Hope they get through customs! The forms they had on the computer didn't have spaces for sending to a country with no PO box, no zip codes, no state, etc. You'd think they would have encountered something like that before and would have the appropriate program in place.
Spent a good part of the day in son's garden, trying to eliminate Bermuda grass and bindweed, putting down landscaping fabric in certain places to help with that. Also put up a small low tunnel at his place for lettuce, broccoli, etc.
The rest of the day was spent helping him with fashioning large gates for his back yard~they live in town and have little privacy, so privacy type gates were put in.