
Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Infuse olive oil over a long period. 8+ weeks, longer is better. Strain and add beeswax to make a salve. Certain other poplars can also be used.

Called cottonwood salve or balm of Gilliad. Good for muscles and abrasions. Smells like spring to me. I use it on hubby's lower back and shoulder when he does something stupid.

I have half a pound picked. I didnt measure out but it's over the cup she needs.

She doesn't have cottonwood trees and had despaired of ever being able to try them. She makes a lot of herbals. Mom to me about it and I just sent some last year. Shocked her and she called Mom crying that someone would just do that for her without asking for anything.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
When the buds start getting sticky before they leaf out. I tried disposable gloves for picking last year but gave up on that fast. They stuck to the gloves.

They are a native nuisance for us. Come up anywhere we don't want them. Our property is ideal for them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Its weeding season :D I find weeding so satisfying, and I have more than enough to keep me busy. Pulled up a variety, filled a bucket for the ducks at dawn. I picked the last of the green apples and staked a sad looking sunflower. I tried to unroll some chicken wire but it kept getting stuck on my jumper and ripped it a few times before I gave up. I have other jobs I wanted to first than a new duck run anyway so I just left it as it was on the ground.

I am going to move one of my little tin garden beds to a more sunny spot since the temp is going to be dropping shortly. I pulled the greenhouse cover off it, and I'll let the boy ducks clear out the snails and old herbs before I move it over. They are getting so good at bug hunting :)

I moved a few more pots with dirt in to a sunnier spot. All of my seeds are on the shelf ready to look through and plant. I have two new bags of potting mix moved around to the patio. I cleared a lot off the patio into the garage yesterday, but I think it might be too cool a spot to grow any food in.

I came back inside for breaky and the girl bunny had escaped the lounge room and was eating out of the kitchen bin... She seems alright, still ate her breakfast but I am a bit worried she's given herself a tummy ache. They are booked for the vet on tuesday anyway for their vaccination so I would rather not have to rush her in before that!


Power Conserver
Oct 27, 2019
Reaction score
South Waikato New Zealand
I managed to run around and weed eat the edges and the rock walls out front, then mow both little front and back lawns and get an small part of the next path done before it started to rain again.
Check my seedlings and pulled a few weed sprouts too.

Had a chat through the shrubs with my neighbour each making sure the other was okay. Had to ask her if some one from her side had come over and sprayed herbicide though. Interestingly, the neighbour on her other side has also had plants and a tree die from obvious spraying..... I really didnt think it was her, she's 78, but you have to ask.
Told her if she wants to take her morning walk in my front yard, she can help herself to the Apples on the tree but to be mindful of wasps.

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