What did you do in your garden today?


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I hope to give away some cabbages today. My wife made the last of the cabbage rolls last night. The house smells so good. She has them cooking all night in crock pots. I had the strangest dreams 😂

She asked me to get a container out of the cabinet for her because her hands were full of "goop". She put the extra cabbage roll filling in it. Then said "this is your dinner tomorrow night, shredded cabbage meat loaf and a baked potato".

I'm not sure if that's an indication that's she's had enough of making up cabbage rolls or just something new to try? I think it's a clue that she's had enough of messing around with cabbage, so I best not bring in any more cabbage for a while.

I kind of understand... I think she's made 96 cabbage rolls and canned at least 5 gallons of cabbage soup, both delicious 😋 so I guess she's burnt out on cabbage, I get it...

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I still would like to know what's up with this hill of sugar baby water melon. With the long yellow grabber explosive growth. They are last year's, end of season dollar general 4 for a $1.00 seed packs. I sowed one package per hill. I was going to pull the hill but my daughter in law convinced me to leave it and see what happens? IDK... I've never seen anything like it before.
View attachment 19424

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

hypertendril trait.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I hope to give away some cabbages today. My wife made the last of the cabbage rolls last night. The house smells so good. She has them cooking all night in crock pots. I had the strangest dreams 😂

She asked me to get a container out of the cabinet for her because her hands were full of "goop". She put the extra cabbage roll filling in it. Then said "this is your dinner tomorrow night, shredded cabbage meat loaf and a baked potato".

I'm not sure if that's an indication that's she's had enough of making up cabbage rolls or just something new to try? I think it's a clue that she's had enough of messing around with cabbage, so I best not bring in any more cabbage for a while.

I kind of understand... I think she's made 96 cabbage rolls and canned at least 5 gallons of cabbage soup, both delicious 😋 so I guess she's burnt out on cabbage, I get it...

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

saurkraut can use up a lot of cabbage.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
weeding yesterday, it rained last night so i will need to flip those weeds over once we get back to dry weather again so they won't reroot. even if they do reroot it is rare they survive being left out in the sun on the hard clay for a few days. flip them once or twice and most weeds give up. even the largest clump of plantain roots will give up eventually when baked enough.

very special weeds (some thistles and viney plants) i save for the weed pile out back where they go on top and then they don't usually have enough moisture to root into and they too eventually get completely dried out. the weed pile is where i also put any seed pods or seed heads from weeds so that they don't end up being dropping in a garden. purselane seeds are so tiny and so many that i really should not tempt fate by putting any purselane plants back into a garden other than if they are not flowering and they get buried deeply enough, but i really hate wasting any organic material a garden might produce so i sometimes take that risk by putting the weeds back and hope none of those flowers were far enough along to produce viable seeds. bury things deeply enough where you won't disturb them much and even weed seeds might be safe to not resprout.

when weeding i rescued a green praying mantis from the flowers so i would not sit on him/her. it was only about 4-5cm. still early for them. always good to see them arounf though. too bad they can't catch the horseflies and midges. swarms of midges.

today is also errand day so i'm not too likely to get much done outside. the humidity level out there is pretty viscious and it is also likely i'll just read and nap when i get back. it's a great life if you don't weaken. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 14, 2021
Reaction score
USDA growing zone 4a/4b
Picked my first 2 green beans ;)

Sprayed the raspberry bushes with cinnamon bark and peppermint oils to keep the baby box older bugs off. I have some turning yellow and red, exciting.


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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Picked my first 2 green beans ;)

Sprayed the raspberry bushes with cinnamon bark and peppermint oils to keep the baby box older bugs off. I have some turning yellow and red, exciting.
And you didn't eat them? 👀

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Good day Everyone!

So fall winter planting... What can be pplanted now for fall and winter?
So many variables to successful fall harvests. A general rule of thumb I use that has been both unsuccessful and successful is to count backwards from the first expected frost date and add 2 to 4 weeks based on the number of days for expected harvest on the seed pack.

But also take into consideration the species's hardiness (tender, semi hardy, hardy). For example Cole family (kale, cabbage, brussel, califlower, broccoli) are hardy so generally speaking they can take a frost maybe even a hard freeze and be ok. Peppers, tomatoes, squash are tender and will usually die when hit with even a light frost. Peas, lettuce are generally are semi hardy can take a frost but not a freeze.

Planning a fall garden is a crap shoot at best. It all depends on the weather. Some years you are rewarded, other years it's a waste of time. Sunlight hours also plays a big factor play it safe and plant in full sun when the sun starts getting lower and heading south for the winter.

Lots of variables to think about. But there's something to be said about bringing fresh garden picked salad to Thanksgiving dinner 😂

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Thank you CrealCritter.
Will have to look into that. The counting backwards will ruin my life for sure, can barely count forward :lol:

No watering today since it rained lightly over night. But inches I have no clue. Another gadget to check on Amazon prime day,lol
Finally unpacked 4 boxes of my clothes today and super duper cleaned the kitchen floor for the new fridge tomorrow. After 4 washes and hanging it outside taking advantage of the sun and cooking, I am beat!
Being old sucks!:old
On top, everyone in the world called today. Just kidding, my VA Social Worker and my sister from PR. BP is lower for a wk. Sad part is that it has been a wk I have not taken the pills, :ep

Thank you so much for teaching me so much. I have been reading on "gandules" pigeon peas. I really want to grow some. They are perennials but here they will be annuals due to the winter. However, part of the information said tree's and bushes. Never heard of bushes before. I know the trees and just collect before they go brown if you want them green. They are also eaten brown but I find them a little bitter when brown. That will make me do the counting, :eek:
Well, need to shower and maybe sleep some. Cannot sleep all night since my chicken run smells like chicken nuggets, :lol:
Catch you all later!

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