Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Don't move next to a farm if you don't like farming!!!
I'll bet they liked the cattle more than the pigs.

I'll bet they liked the cattle more than the pigs.

...whatever but his kids to learn to be like him, that saddens me.
Don't move next to a farm if you don't like farming!!!
I'll bet they liked the cattle more than the pigs.![]()
Our next stop is bee hives, two maybe three. I already know there is a wild one around here somewhere because the garden was covered up with them several times this year. Where the hive is I do not know. Farm babe wants them badly, I would like them for orchard, garden and berry patch pollination. We have yet to have a planning conversation. But I do believe she will be the bee keeper of those stinging little liquid gold producing me being neighborly and friendly would mean i'd talk to the neighbors of our property before making changes that might be a big effect on them.
like i'd never get 100 pigs or put in 60 behives and i'd make sure if i were changing the land practices of land near a neighbors i'd make sure to ask them about it and try to address their concerns.
as a kid, behind us the fields were left fallow for a long time, there were some ponds back there we played in, we had a hill of dirt that was overgrown we made forts on and in. there were large trees here or there that we also built forts in. the people who owned that land eventually decided to put it back in farm production but i was gone by then, but a few years before they'd run a dozer along the edge (burying a fort i'd dug in there but that was ok, because by then i'd determined that it was going to flood anyways). the biggest thing i would have missed were the ponds, the wild blueberries and raspberries and the wintergreen and the big oak on the tuft of a sandy hill.
anyways, all the other items listed above were things done by neighbors without talking to us. i'd have considered it more friendly had they talked to us first.
the beehives are annoying at times. the agricultural run off i've mostly dealt with but there is some erosion control i need to finish up over there. a few trees i need to bring down and have to ask the neighbor about. only mess up i did was when i had another neighbor come in and brushhog the back of the lot and didn't call the other neighbor because i figured they did it but they didn't so i called later to opologize.
we're not super close neighbors. most are a 1/4 mile away or more. i'd be happy to buy more land around us if i could get it at a decent price. not too likely now, but i can always daydream...i did make an offer on some land to the north of us when that neighbor put the land up for sale, but he wanted a huge amount of $ for it and was basically just doing it to jerk around another neighbor who he's had a feud with so i backed off out of that.
and i should call the neighbors who own the land to the south and east of us to talk since the farm field the've been renting to another neighbor is looking to chance. just to see what's up and asking perhaps if they'll eventually sell it or rent it or what...
ok, enough daydreaming and meandering, time to get a goin'...
take heart, my parents are racists, i've gotten them to shut up about it most of the time. i don't speak politics to Dad at all (he's rabid and often foaming at the mouth bad about it), Mom has no interest in that, thank goodness, so she won't talk about it often so we don't have to have the conversation where i have to tell her that i don't ever want to talk about it). they're both "high school" educated but i consider them very uninformed and not very rational. i do not argue with them (it accomplishes nothing) - they have no understanding of basic science or topics like probability and risk management.
i'm not a racist but i do know i have prejudices built in from how i was raised (and then as i got older i saw how wrong it was and i've been fighting back ever since). i'm glad i've had some great friends of other races and consider the point completely made that it's how people treat each other with respect that determines how i think of them and treat them in return, but i start with giving everyone the basic civil respect they deserve as people (and animals too). so from there we keep going and i adjust.