Sustainability Master
Front part of the property here is meadow. The grass seed infests everything. Trying to keep it hoed out is a daily chore and I'm thinking of getting an electric cultivator just to weed. I have an old mechanical one but it kills my lungs to use it so often.
i'm usually sitting down on a ground pillow and using a knife for a lot of the closer up weeding i need to do. it is a much slower pace than standing up and using a scraper, but i'm also much better at only removing the problem plants and leaving the rest alone.
I'm also spacing 4 feet on walkways this year. I have a small dog kennel I'm using as a chicken tractor to weed
chickens are very good at obliterating an area. it is too bad they can't be trained to not destroy garden plants you do wish to keep.
the idea of the moment would be to do double raised beds, with a nice grate used as the pathway so the chickens could run under the pathway grate and eat anything they wanted. it would have to be made habitable enough that chickens would want to go through those pathways to begin with, but that's a whole different line of thought. note this fits pretty well with my other idea of a pathway which would never have to be weeded and i was trying to think of a way to make them even less maintenance.