What did you do in your garden today?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I think most of my garden will be animal feed this year. I'm using up excess seed I've stored. DH doesn't want to spend money on gardening since I wasn't able to maintain a garden when I was disabled. This will be my first year of gardening with a functioning body. I'm doing it for exercise and mental health. Weeding is the best for hip mobility.

We planted more kale than anyone could eat or preserve. More green beans than we would be able to pick. We'll see what grows.
I haven’t been able to push my weight around that great until recently. Had to get my reverse surgery so I could bend and twist a bit. I still don’t have good balance but I’m trying to be true to myself. I bring my wheelchair to the garden and I bend over and fill up a bucket of weeds for the chickens and I help tie up the tomatoes. All I have to do to get motivated to go in the garden is to go to the grocery store 😂. I am kinda scared to fall and break something though. I fell three weekends ago while playing with my grandchildren and I don’t know how I didn’t seriously injure the baby. I knew I would be stiff but within a few days I decided to visit my doctor because I only had 2 pain pills left. He gave me a script for Norco and let’s just say I picked a good time to fall down. No pharmacy could fill it and then I heard it was a national thing so all across the USA prescription drug addicts were going crazy. So today I finally learned my prescription was filled. I will get it in the morning. You best believe I will get it because next time I’m in a jam I’ll be ready. I’m gonna pick it up then head to the city to give sewing lessons. Killing several birds with one stone. Amen. 🙏🏾


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 19, 2024
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@LaurenRitz I get ample rain most of the time. And living only 50 miles SW of VaBeach, I also get humidity AND long periods of heat!! So, even tho I mulch, conditions require watering to some degree, at some months in summer. On days I need to water I will just set the timer for whatever I need at that time. No, not a golf course -- every day at 3 -- type thing.😁 But I have things to do !! 😳 Beyond remembering to turn off water in 2 hrs. 😂. I'd set it & move on.
100+ degrees for weeks on end, no water from May to September, sometimes October, and the plants still thrived. Something to consider. We water far more than most plants actually need.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
This week -- half over, right? -- I need to get my colored corns planted! Hoping it's a sale crop. Yep, come fall when city folk pay $2 an ear 😂. Any not sold will be animal feed. 👍👍 There's plans for pumpkins for sales & feed. Too early to plant and harvest at right time for that but, DD has maybe 75 sprouted that won't hold after maturing for that -- so animal feed.

Before that, I'm tilling a few acres to get ready. It'll need a couple goes over next 2 months. When pumpkins harvest, winter seed for some graze. Spring -- reseed for permanent pasture. I hope deer hunters are busy this Fall !!! Maybe the local corn fields will keep them out of mine. 😳🤣😡😵‍💫🤐


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Seems like my neighbors are in full garden mode. One neighbor is putting in a pumpkin patch right behind me. My other neighbors is putting in about 1/2 acre of sweet corn (peaches and cream). I don't have room in our garden for squash and melons so my neighbor and I are putting in a patch at his place.

Love my neighbors ❤️

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
I know it’s really late and I’m about to turn in but y’all just might not believe what just happened to us.
So we needed to get some dog food and grains for the livestock, a new blade for our chainsaw, some reading material and we ready to leave Tractor Supply and the manager tells us we can take the seeds. Like she meant whatever we wanted!! So we started grabbing from the types of vegetables we normally plant but we took way more than EVER. I also grabbed some herbs and while I was doing that DH was at it too. He took the garlic!! We were there until closing. We totally stuffed 5 shopping bags full of seeds.
Maybe give a call to y’all TS in the morning and see if they are planning to get rid of their seeds. It can’t hurt. I really think we came home with $600 of free seeds.

Wow nice haul


Almost Self-Reliant
Apr 19, 2024
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Green beans I planted last week are up. I'm seeing a few beets. Those beets that survive will be encouraged to go to seed for my first year of adaptation.

Cantaloupe/honeydew/whatever melons are up--they all washed downhill during the rain and ended up in a big clump. That's ok, I'll maybe get a strain that can handle extreme overcrowding and still fruit. Maybe half a dozen are still in their designated spot.

Watermelons, moschatas and pumpkins are doing great. Corn is up. Dry beans are starting to fruit even though the plants are still tiny. I may end up replanting those.

Early planted sweet potatoes are doing great and the parent roots are still slipping. I am hoping for some seeds this year.

But potatoes were supposed to be my calorie crop and they're not doing well. Too much water? Maybe the stress will be enough to trick them into producing seeds.

I'm down to 3 almonds and one apricot from this year's seeds. I have more to plant next spring, if I can find a place that stays relatively dry!