What did you do in your garden today?


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I ordered 50 Georgia Jet sweet potato slips from farmer seed (2 packs of 25). I received 4 packs, each pack had between 16 to 20 slips. so after planting the healthy one I ended up 125 foot of sweet potatoes or 2 1/2 50 rows. My wife had some "organic" white potatoes that were sprouting in the house. I have no idea what kind they were but they made really good mashed potatoes. So I mounded up another row and did 1/2 her potatoes and 1/2! Georgia Jet. The other two rows are yukon gold. So now I have 5 50 foot rows of potatoes.

Mounding up rows for potatoes with a garden rake is young man's work. I'm old but I still did it, and took several sweat baths in the process along with one great farmers tan 🙄. I may be slow but I get it done 🙂

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Hooray the garden is in \o/ all planted I mean. I feel like I got it in late but this spring was a wet one.

Results of a sweaty day, I might be making my own tie-dye tee-shirt. It amazes me how much salt, I can sweat.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
More weeding. DS15 planted squash, pumpkin, watermelon. In the wrong spot, and way too close together. He also planted beans in the wrong place - I had him find all those seeds. :rolleyes: He'll have to find the squash seeds tomorrow. They'll overrun the garden if left where they are now
It gets better. He put the bean seed in a paper packet and left them in te garden - to get rained on overnight. I just sent him out to replant them correctly before I take him to school.



Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I've been home but, rain before made too wet for much. Not mud, just too moist to work the ground. Couple days of sun helped. Then more rain....and next 3 days scattered showers. :he up side? Don't need a hose! 🤣
When my neighbor first tilled my garden with his old school box tiller, it threw up wet chunks. He had it on max pto rpm and went over it in low 1. I tilled it 3 times with my hand tiller to get the chunks loose enough to plant pepper, tomatoes and beans. It was a lot of work in heavy wet soil. The rest of the garden we got a week without any rain so it was game on. Hot, humid, sunny what's a guy to do but work it, so I did. I still need to till in-between the rows of peppers, but at least their planted. I used a garden auger with my cordless drill to plant peppers, them because even after filling 3 times the soil was still wet. Tomatoes I managed to get the wet soil loose enough to hoe a deep trench and planted them in the trenches and then covered the soil with hay. Garden planting this year was hard. It was a very wet spring. I don't recall it being this hard in any of the previous years of gardening.
I was thinking, when I was younger and raising kids, we had a 15 x 30 foot garden and I had all the help I needed. Now I'm old and we have a 50 x 100 foot garden for just my wife and I. Once I got the potato rows mounded, I looked at what was left and said to myself, what's left is bigger than most people's entire garden. I sowed a row of sun flowers, 5 different squashes and a row of water melon. I'm still trying to rationalize this in my mind.

Anyways I must not forget to start hardy seedlings by the beginning of July, for end of August transplant for a fall/winter crop.

Supposed to rain tomorrow so I need to till in-between the rows to discourage weeds from popping up

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Brings to mind...what was I thinking??!!?! 🤪 :ep:oldwe felt younger when planning.

It's raining right now. Nice easy kind you pray for, only 60 days from now. 🙄👍. More waves of it coming thru later......and tomorrow. Gotta deal with it. Remember those in CA would be so happy for it and just accept the blessings.

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